MovieChat Forums > The Karate Kid Part II (1986) Discussion > Kreese was a wimp in this instalment

Kreese was a wimp in this instalment

I know he starts off all tough (and this is sort the end of part 1) but when Miyagi is about to Karate chop him he looks scared out of his wits. Funny how in the next movie, he's not frightened of Miyagi at all.


Nobody moves slower Than miyagi...and kreese cant hit him n misses n punches the car window..twice. no way could he be that slow and lame ...Dutch could have done better...they make kreese seem totally inept. Or miyagi has super powers of mind control



And they both got a kicking off old man Miyagi.

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But not this one eh? ;-)



Yeah, the good guys.



From the imdb page for the Karate Kid

A handyman/martial arts master agrees to teach a bullied boy karate and shows him that there is more to the martial art than fighting.

From the imdb page for the Karate Kid II
Daniel accompanies his mentor to Okinawa who is off to see his dying father and confront his old rival, while Daniel inadvertently makes an enemy of his own.

From the imdb page for the Karate Kid part III
Ostracised villain John Kreese attempts to gain revenge on Daniel and Miyagi, with the help of a Vietnam War comrade, the wealthy owner of a toxic waste disposal business.

Guess that busts another theory, lie, or whatever you boys want to call it.

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A Daniel lover wrote the script. That's why he's the good guy.

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I liked kreese and silver...if they hadn't played games w their guy trying to torture Danny boy and score a point and then give a point, they would have won easily. That was silvers mistake. Danny won by luck really



Luck had nothing to do with it. As you pointed out Silvers plan was flawed, it invited defeat.

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Wasnt as much a flaw as it was miyagi throwing out his magic by nodding his head yes, like he did in Japan when Danny beat the jap n earlier when he beat jonny


Of course it was flawed, think about it.
You win a point, lose a point. Then the fight goes to sudden death and the winner is the one who manages to score first. That always leaves the possibility, however unlikely, that Daniel could get a scoring hit on Barnes. Which is exactly what happened.ive seen plenty of fights where the dominant fighter has lost in sudden death.

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Where have u seen fights that have a sudden death?lol


Karate competitions.
Sudden death is the term used for first to score.

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My first competition in 1982 I was eliminated from the tournament in sudden death. The following year I beat a guy in sudden death. So it has been around since before the Karate Kid. It is generally used in local competitions. In national competitions a decision can be made without going to sudden death. The ref and judge confer then usually award the fight to the fighter who is taking the fight to their opponent. Had KK3 been set in a national tournament, then Barnes may have been awarded the win. Though his penalties probably would have seen him disqualified in normal time or lose on points. One point for first offence and two for second which would have elevated Daniel to 3 points.



In reality, the referee could have stopped the match the moment Daniel said he wanted to go home, though often as not they ask the coach if they wish to withdraw their fighter. Had it gone on in that vein though, the ref would have halted the fight for Daniels well being and awarded Barnes the win. But also in reality, Barnes would have been instantly disqualified on three occasions.
1) Hitting Daniel deliberately in the face as he was walking back to his line after the ref had halted the fight.
2) Kicking Daniel between the legs (again deliberately).
3) Taunting/baiting his opponent.

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Had it been a full contact match then yes. What you must remember is it was semi-contact and as such there has to be a degree of control from the fighters.
As for baiting/taunting, there has to be respect shown in the ring for your opponent no matter what you personally think of them. That's the rules and etiquette. Funnily enough, Barnes could have been disqualified before the fight began for not bowing to Daniel. He just nods his head towards him after the ref has insisted he bows. That not only shows disrespect for your opponent but also to Karates code of etiquette. It really is quite simple, if you want to enter these things follow the rules. This is why Barnes is referred to as Karates Bad Boy. In my opinion he just comes off as a wanker!

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Yes. Which is why I said Silvers plan was flawed. There was always the possibility of Barnes getting disqualified or Daniel scoring a point in sudden death.



No probs mate :-)

You're old enough to kill, but not for voting....


Why didn't they disqualify Danny for miyagi using magic?


Because there is no rule against using magic.

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