Flag-Waving Garbage.
This poor excuse for a film is typical 80's right wing propaganda. I'm glad films are no longer made like this one.
shareThis poor excuse for a film is typical 80's right wing propaganda. I'm glad films are no longer made like this one.
shareIf you are going to make idiotic posts at least try to present some facts to back it up. This movie is not right wing or left wing you moron. It simply an action movie with a war setting in a fictional country.
shareObviously, you do not have any capability for an objective response but wallow in such a depth of insecurity that you can't help but make a knee-jerk emotional reaction to anyone who might believe in left wing politics. That's kind of sucks for you, but regardless, denying that "Iron Eagle" has right wing sympathies is pretty bull-headed. Hey, obviously you love the right wing, which is just fine, but at least face a little bit of reality.
At least the guy that posted after you also has an overwhelming right wing bent, but can recognize that IE is a product of Reagan-era America.
None of you are right. You're all biased pricks. The original post was very biased, and the response was very biased, and your response to the response was very biased. That's the problem with this world today, nobody can have an intelligent, respectful discussion anymore. It's always "my way or the highway," and that's if you're on the left or the right.
What gets me is that people such as the person who started this message thread seem to have such a bad itch on their a$$ about 80s movies that they just can't let it go and allow the people who like them to enjoy them. Instead, they have to waste their time coming to a message board such as this one to intentionally incite an angered response from those who do like the movie in question. You know this to be true, whether you admit it or not. It's a very childish provocation.
As for me personally, I consider myself to be a proud Reagan era person, and I won't apologize for the way this country had to handle foreign affairs in the midst of a world on the brink of destruction. Sure, there was a lot of unnecessary paranoia, but it was on BOTH sides, but I believe that Reagan handled it about as well as could be expected. The man served two terms after all, and left office with high regard from the majority of the American people. So if you want to keep putting down the man as if he was somehow a horrible, evil President, then remember that you're also questioning the intelligence of the majority of American people. And if you aren't American youraelf, then don't weigh in on conversations concerning American leaders. It's none of your damn business.
You do know there is a re-make of Red Dawn coming out, don't you? Judging by your comments, I don't expect we'll be seeing you at the premier.
I don't have an opinion. The word "opinion" implies the possibility I'm wrong.
And like the left wing never uses propaganda to further its cause, right? Didn't communist Russia first popularize and coin the term "propaganda"? NO! IT COULDN'T BE! Communists would never attempt to subvert the freedom of others by aggressively shoving their opinions down the throat of those who want no part of it!
I just want to know these left-wing Marxist suck-ups even care. That was over 20 years ago. It was a different world then. Seems like every tiume one of these fruitcakes comments on an 80s movie, they're trying to put it into context with the 21st century political environment. That's comparing apples to oranges.
And besides, what was so terribly wrong about being patriotic? Futhermore, what was wrong with a fictional movie that futher incited patriotism and pride in one's country against those who are perceived as our enemies? Should we not care about our own identity and protecting what's ours? Oh I forgot, we're talking about left-wing Marxist/socialists here. They don't believe in patriotism or individualism. They want a one-world goverment, socialized medicine, and bread lines that bend 10 miles down the road. Just like good 'ol 1980s mother Russia.......
Hey Aarodawg360-
I don't think that it's about anyone wanting breadlines that bend 10 miles down the road. No one wants that. I think that those that believe in Marxism believe in a world without envy or jealousy. They believe that if everyone has access to free medical care, everyone has access to a free education (including post-secondary institutions,) everyone has access to all the basic necessities, that there will be no more fighting, no more murder, and no more war. What they don't realize is that the world they seek cannot happen. For there to be total equality, everyone in the world would have to give up every possession that he or she owns. How likely do you think it would be for everyone in the world to be willing to do that? Let me put it this way: if someone wants my jewelry or my wedding dress, they'll have to pry them from my cold, dead fingers. But, for argument's sake, let's say that everyone does give up their stuff. In the place of the stuff that everyone gave up, everyone would have to be issued the exact same house, the exact same clothes, the exact same furniture, the exact same electronics, the exact same everything. Now here's the problem- someone else will always have the better looking husband/wife, the smarter wife/husband, more kids/better looking kids- there will always be something that another person thinks is worth killing for. It's not possible to legislate the end of greed, envy, or jealousy. If a person is determined to kill, he or she is going to kill. That can't be stopped by human hands. Humans can only punish the act after it has occurred.
Or let's say that it's not about trying to end war or killing. Let's say that the Marxists are simply trying to make sure that everyone will get a fair shake. What about the people who pretend they are disabled so that they won't have to work? (I personally know two people that fit this description). Is it really fair that everyone else has to work that much harder to take up their slack, yet the fakers get the same portion as the people who break their backs working? No, it's not. So Marxism isn't really a "fair" system of monetary flow.
Maybe what it's really about is leftists have guilty consciences. They think to themselves, "Look at all this that I have. Look at what I did to get it! I don't really deserve this when there are starving people in developing countries!" And if that's the way that they choose to feel, that's their right. But giving up all their money and making everyone else give up their money, too, will only temporarily assuage their conscience. It's not about the money. It's about whatever it is that they've done with their lives (or haven't done with their lives,) that makes them feel they don't deserve what they have.
And you're right. The 20th century was a different world. Most of those in their early 20's can barely recall the 20th century. Most of the teens weren't born until the 21st century. The best they can do is try to apply what they know of the 21st century to the 20th century. And it won't work. There were more oil supplies, there were more gas supplies, the United States was a country that produced products instead of importing them, Unions were large, and labor was well-regulated. But the new generation doesn't know that. They can't know that. They weren't there. You can't really blame a person for something they don't know. They're doing the best they can with the information they've got.
As to whether or not it's ok for a fictional movie to raise patriotism- I don't see anything wrong with it. And I don't see anything wrong with painting people who ACT like our enemies as enemies. If they want to be perceived as the good guys, they need to ACT like good guys. This means you DON'T strap a bomb to yourself, walk into an elementary school, and kill a bunch of tiny children. This means that you DON'T take a bunch of people as hostages that don't want anything to do with you. This means you DON'T drive airplanes full of screaming, crying passengers into buildings with more screaming, crying people. Good people don't generally KILL innocent people. Good people appeal their grievances against a foreign government through the LEGAL process. They cry out to the United Nations, Amnesty International, Interpol, any legal body or organization that will listen. And then they make an emotional appeal to the media. Killing another person/people is a last resort. It's something that should only happen at the very last end of need.
This country may have only been your country for the last 200 years, but it has been the country of my ancestors for more than 2000 years. While my genetic code certainly carries more than one race, the vast majority of my ancestors from America, England, Ireland, Germany, Holland, and France have all fought, and died, for similar ideals. I intend to stand for these ideals, not land ownership or genetic purity.
I'll grant that America has made her fair share of mistakes. But every single people group throughout world history has made some sort of error that has negatively impacted a people group that was not their own. If you overlook the times that America got it right, to focus on the times that America has gotten it wrong, then you must extend that intention toward every people group in the world. You will have no one left with which to identify or to celebrate. I choose to focus on what has been done right (according to my personal beliefs,) to persuade my countrymen that what I believe in is right, and then I choose to organize those of us who are of a like-mind to push for change that will honor those beliefs.
But that's just it! There is no government in the world that is 100% in accord with its people; because everyone has their own idea of what is right, wrong, or necessary based on his or her experiences. I believe that there should be no ruler of any country. No presidents, no prime ministers, no kings, no parliaments, no representation of the people by any one person whatsoever. I believe every single last thing in any country should be put to a vote of the people. However, I believe that every law that is passed should honor the will of the majority, while being respectful of the wishes of the minority(ies).
A poster with an IQ level beneath 100...
The entire premise of this movie actually was based on Libya violating an international treaty by claiming more than 12 miles from their coast as their exclusive airspace. We were getting into them with that over it in the early to mid 80s. Just like in Iron Eagle they were claiming far more than 12 miles exclusive.
We flew our planes outside of 12 miles and they engaged a couple times. Once, we shot down two of their planes. I believe, but am not sure, it was called the Gulf of Sidra incident.
Iron Eagle was the same premise. We were doing freedom of navigation exercises in international airspace. This fictional country challenged it and shot down one of our guys illegally.
I guess you didn't see the sequels.