MovieChat Forums > Idi i smotri (1985) Discussion > "Get out without children" ... I don't u...

"Get out without children" ... I don't understand.

A German soldier says to the people crowded in the church: "Get out without children... Right here, out of the window... Leave the children." (according to English subtitles)

In the French subtitles, it says (translated): "The people without children can get out... The children must stay inside."

I don't understand the logic of this.

(Just to add to my confusion, Flyora gets out (he's a child, isn't he?) and he does not get killed.)

Please help me.


Ok. I found an answer towards the end of the movie (I did not remember this part at first).

"Yes, I said that: "Come out and leave the children". I said that because with the children it starts all over again. Not every race has a right to exist. Inferior races
spread the contagion of communism. You have no right to be." Etc.

Not very "logic", if you ask me, because children are nothing without the education of their parents. They are blank slates ready to be guided in one direction or another.

But genocide is not "logic" to begin with.


Yes, it is indeed "logic" by the eyes of the nazis. They didn't merely have a problem with how those kids were being educated. It was their RACE that they hated: they believe that slavic people were an "inferior race" who deserved to be eliminated from the face of the Earth.


The Germans fought along side thousands of Arabs and Japanese - they are not much different that you or I (we had concentration camps too). You are repeating atrocity propaganda, commonly used through out history to make the opponent evil.


Are you saying that:
(1) the nazis weren't evil?
(2) that they didn't consider themselves from a SUPERIOR RACE?
(3) that they didn't try to ELIMINATE those ethnicities that they deemed as INFERIOR?


1) Germans are not evil - we are quite fortunate the good guys won every war through out history.
2) That was normal for the time, even USA was segregated by race and women cold not vote.
3) This was also normal for its time, Bolshevik Jews did the same thing to Christians in Ukraine and Russia, only they killed millions more.


Why are you putting words in my mouth (or my fingers)? I'm not talking about the Germans as a whole, I'm talking about the NAZIS. I obviously don't condemn the Germans as a people, and I'm positively certain that this is the case for the overwhelming majority of those who condemns the nazis. When you change the word 'nazi' by the word 'german', as if the condemning of the former were equivalent to the condemning of the latter, you incur in a tactic that's very common to nazi revisionists. So, just to make sure you don't fall into that last category, let's forget about the Germans as a whole, they are not the subject of my inquiry.

Furthermore, I'm not interested in your opinions about the situation of white supremacy back then, especially when said opinion has nothing to do with my original comment, the one you commented first. The user Beau_Buffet said that some actions of the nazis weren't logic, and I explained how, on the contrary, through the optics of their white supremacist beliefs and world view, those cruel actions against races they deemed as inferior were indeed VERY "logical".

All your subsequent chatter doesn't change that conclusion. I could argue that, to the nazi doctrine, Arabs and Japaneses, since they were not from the aryan race, also were considered inferior by the nazis, but that's not necessary. Even if you try to defend the fool and misguided view that nazis considered those latter ethnicities at pair with the aryan race, that's not the case towards Jews and the Slavs. It's well documented and proved beyond any doubt that nazis deemed Jews and Slavs as inferior races. And those last ones are the only facts needed to make sense of my original analysis.

Finally, if you intend to continue this debate, I would like to at least know your opinion about the Nazis. Do you condemn nazism? Do you believe the nazis were evil? Do you believe that white supremacy is evil? In fact, do you believe that ideas about superior races are evil and stupid?
