My father and uncle were extras in this film
Howard and his crew filmed the factory scenes in Argentina because nobody was willing to close down a car factory back in the USA for filming purposes, so all the extras you see in this movie working on the assembly line are Argentines. Anyway, my father and his brother were in this as extras. You know that scene where Keaton gets hoisted up by the workers in celebration? Keaton was an a-hole who kept fussing and screwing up, and in the final cut you can see the extras (whose voice is dubbed) are really mouthing/chanting "hijo de puta" (son of a bitch). They also spoke very badly of Turturro, which I'm sorry, I liked. They did however speak very well of Wendt and Watanabe. Anyway thought I'd share, their whole side of the story is pretty interesting.
He's a chicken, I tell you! A giant chicken!