Filimg Locations

Where any of the scenes in this movie filmed in Pittsburgh?




I grew up in the area it was filmed in, and remember some of the shooting when it was taking place (though I was only about four at the time).

The U.S. scenes were mostly in Beaver County, which is about a 35 minute drive from downtown Pittsburgh. In the beginning when Hunt is on his way to the airport, he drives through Beaver Falls. Where Joe Namath is from.

The Fourth Of July celebration is filmed at the Beaver park, which is across the street from the County Courthouse in Beaver. The gazebo featured has since been torn down and replaced by a larger one.

Some of the exteriors of Hunt's house appear to be Rochester, could also be New Brighton or Beaver Falls though.

Towards the end when Hunt and Mimi Rogers are driving across a bridge and run into the plant boss, they are on the Rochester-Bridgewater bridge. They are going from Rochester into Bridgewater. If you look closely behind Mimi's left shoulder while she's driving, you can make out part of the sign of the old Kaufman's department store. It's a Giant Eagle and Kmart now.

Some scenes in the movie <i>Wonder Boys</i> were also filmed in Rochester and Beaver. Also in the movie <i>Kingpin</i>, the bowling alley where Woody Harrelson loses his hand is in Rochester. It's called the Beaver Valley Bowl and is still in operation and looks the same. It's the same building where Michael Douglas loses his book in <i>Wonder Boys</i>.


I am sure that scene when Hunt and his girlfriend are on the way to the airport for Japan,(the begining of moive)they talked with a couple of people on the street.
I think that's South bank of Pittsburgh.(I don't know name of the street.)


The scene where Hunt and Audrey have a fight in the car and Audrey gets out in anger is right in the heart of Pittsburgh's Southside. Right in front of Jack's Bar on 12th and Carson. A lot of that movie is filmed on the Southside. You can see the similarities in locations between this movie and 'Dominick and Eugene'.


All of the scenes in the auto factory were filmed some distance from Pittsburgh -- and even further from Tokyo. At a Fiat plant in Argentina, to be exact.

All the universe . . . or nothingness. Which shall it be, Passworthy? Which shall it be?


The exterior of the plant was filmed in West Homestead at the plant that was Mesta Machine. If you are at the Water Front and Sand Castle you will see Mesta.
