Typical leftist looking for politics where there is none. The only political aspect of the entire movie was, at worst, bigotry, on both sides. Otherwise, there is no political overtone at all. It's just not Ron Howard's style. That said, in my experience, this movie portrayed the attitude of a good amount of American workers entitlement mentality which is way worse now than it was when this movie came out. Today's American worker expects to be paid top dollar for doing the minimal amount of work possible. I can say this because I'm a supervisor and have to crack the whip to get some workers to do the simplest task when I want it done and I'm not even in the industry business or even the service business. I work in a place that at most you might have to do an hours worth of work at most(there are exceptions of course but in a normal 8 hour day if you did an actual hours worth of work you had a busy day). For example, I need a report for something, I ask the person doing it to bring it to me and I get the leaky tire. all for 2 minutes worth of work. This is the attitude this movie portrayed of the American worker and it was spot on.