The dialogs, the characters' desicions and actions, as well as the plot structure and the general direction where this movie is going is far more logical and plausible than many other movies.
I can accept the unrealistic side of the story as part of this film's reality because the rules of causality and probability are kept in the script, the behavior of the characters and what they do seems rational to me under these circumstances.
Even if they behave purely out of their irrational emotions, like when Katherine desperately wants to activate the machine knowing she will regret it later. I don't see this behavor as childish or unexplainable. Her motives and what she does is perfectly clear and logical to me based on what is going on in the movie.
The reality described is based upon the rules of itself and not contradicts them during the story. The characters seem to be mature and deep, not superficial.
All that means, that when I see this movie I don't feel treated like a moron. I feel that the writers and the director treat me like a mature person, telling the story, no matter how unreal it is, with respect to my sensory perception and cognitive knowledge.
I can give you example of a B movies that think all viewers are idiots - Maniac Cop is one, and even Re-Animator, despite being fun and enjoyable piece, makes you roll your eyes and sigh on some very ridiculous behavior of the characters.
Put the f@cking lotion in the basket!