MovieChat Forums > Flight of the Navigator (1986) Discussion > Is this the movie I'm thinking of?

Is this the movie I'm thinking of?

Ok, so I asked some people about a movie I was trying to find, and they thought this might be it. Here's what I remember:

This boy, (maybe around the age of 12)gets mad at his family for some reason so he runs out of the house into a woods-like area. There, he falls asleep by a tree. I'm not sure what happens next, but I know he wakes up in the morning and returns to the house. When he gets there his family is older. His younger brother is probably about 17 now, and they had all thought he had gone missing. The only dialogue I remember is the younger brother saying something like, "Hey, now I guess I'm the older brother."

The time that The Flight of the Navigator was made seems about right for the movie I'm thinking if this sounds like the right movie can someone please let me know?! thanks!



Awesome. I was about to ask this same question.

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