If It Were Made Today... It Wouldn't Work As Well.
Back in the 50's, there was a marked difference when you hit the 60's... the same can be said with the 70's, and even the 80's. When you look at the 1990's and 2000's... there are differences, but they seem so little, that if the film were made today, keeping the exact same storyline of the original, it just couldn't work out.
If it were made today, the year right now is 2008. David was missing for 8yrs, so that would make the story originally set in 2000. Now, let us look back on the year 2000, and see if the movie today would work using the original's storyline.
> Music videos have always existed... and even back in the year 2000, MTV switched away from their focus on videos to their reality programming.
--- TV stations havent evolved much in 8yrs
> David asks: "Do they still have The Simpsons? That was my favorite show"... and to him Carolyn replies "Of course, still going strong"... so that pop-culture refrence wouldn't hold.
--- Shows havent changed much in 8yrs
> David mentions to Carolyn (on the subject of music): My parents took me to see a Sum41/GreenDay/PapaRoach concert. To which Carolyn replies "oh yea, I was at their concert this year".
--- Music groups haven't changed much in 8yrs.
> David was a fan of video games. He asks if the Playstation is still around, hearing there may be a new one near the holiday season. Also has a Nintendo 64.
Carolyn replies... Playstation & Nintendo are still around, only it's a Playstation THREE and a Nintendo Wii.
--- The big-2 video game companies are still around & going strong with just newer systems, but same general games.
> David liked computers, but in 2000... cable-internet connections was finally catching on. He asks "Do they still have internet". They reply "Yea, but it's just a little bit faster"
--- Cable internet connections have doubled their bandwidth from the 4000k to 10,000k now-a-days... but still isn't that much quicker unless you're doing a lot of downloading.
The point is that a LOT of the refrences to a "better time" back in 2000 (vs. 1978) doesn't seem all that much different than today of 2008 (vs. their 1986). Hair styles haven't changed much at all (unlike Carolyn's punk-rockish multi-color frizz/teased era of the mid 80's), and cars are only slightly evolved.
The movie just wouldn't be as humorous due to the slowing subtle changes.
When you think about it... other decades had lots of changes, but these past 8yrs (aside from the obvious 9/11) just didn't seem to change much... even people don't age as quickly like they made David's parents look in just a measly 8yrs...
I almost find it laughable if they even thought of remaking the film, unless they had him missing for well over 10yrs or so.