Why no lock?

I am just re-watching the film again and one thing occurred to me, the security in NASA SUCKS! Okay, so part way into the movie when David wants to get out he climbs into RALF and the security guards are outside. Earlier in that scene we see RALF going out of the door on its own and we see the Sarah Jessica Parker character leaves after him. As she leaves she does appear to type in a security code but why is there terminal on the inside? Surely one would be needed, RALF had no assistance getting in or getting out, it was almost as if the door was operated like the doors you see at supermarkets. Also, how is it that a automated robot can just go in and out of sections without any supervision? And when David starts going towards the labs in RALF why is no-one questioning this? NASA doesn't need to loose laptops to have data stolen, they apparently don't bother with locked doors or who is going in or out.

"if you have to ask you are not ready to know" - Phone Booth


Why do you think they're always fighting for bigger budget? lol


"if you have to ask you are not ready to know"

Fill with their majestic spirits all [...] and not a few leaders only. R.W.E


1986 was different and inept.

I mean the dog knew that David was in RALF and the NASA guy thought he wanted breakfast.
