How does time travel work exactly in this movie?
I mean, paradox seems inevitable in so many movies, when you think about it.
If the 8 years was 'erased' and replaced with the timeline of David (Scott Freeman? What a neat name - as in "he got away scott-free!" And also of course reminds me of the whole freeman on the land-phenomenon), wouldn't it create a paradox, because then there would be no one to actually go to the past from the 1986?
The other end of the time travel path was destroyed! Shouldn't the other end get destroyed as well, because now there WAS no time travel, there is no path?
Basically, none of the "1986-stuff" ever happened, if David was never missing, never went to the police station, never went to NASA, never freed the spacecraft, never became the navigator..
So if David never 'turns up missing', NONE of the chain of events will take place in 1986! Which means that Max simply never gets the starmaps, David will never free him from the almost completely unguarded and unlocked NASA hangar, and thus David never time travels back in time, to cause the chain of events not to take place..
This was never explained in the movie - how is this supposed to work?
No "missing David" = "No police station" = "No trip to NASA" = "No navigator for Max" = "No time travel back to 1978" ...
... which would then mean ..
"No time travel back to 1978" = "Missing David" = "Police station" = "Trip to NASA" = "Navigator for Max" = "Time travel back to 1978" ..
... which would then mean ..
It's a paradox, and not a plausible or possible one. Only a handful of movies did it right, "The Terminator" (1984) and "12 Monkeys" (1995) to mention two.
And don't bring any other "Terminator" movies into it, they don't count, because they broke the perfect loop of the "predestination paradox", which is the only plausible way that I have seen time travel work in movies so far (though it creates it's own problems, like the protagonists having this huge URGE to MAKE SURE that the timeline will happen exactly as described, and NEVER have a human temptation to simply see what happens, if they are not 100% obedient.. (freedom, you know) - like Sarah actually naming her kid Burt, Jack or Interdimensional Stellar Manifold)