Movie similar to this one

there were two movies about spaceships that i used to watch all the time when i was a little kid. the first was the flight of the navigator, and the second i cant remember the name of. it had a group of friends (3 i think) who make a spaceship out of junk they had. they end up flying into space and board an alien spaceship. does anyone know the movie im talking about?


the second movie is Explorers, which starred river phoenix


yep, thats it. thanks


the second movie is Explorers, which starred river phoenix

Thank you for reminding me about this wonderful film. I read your comment and remembered how much I loved it as a young lad. I hope River is in a better place.


Explorers, another classic, I got that and Flight of the Navigator on dvd on the same day last year.


Explorers: launcned the careers of River Phoenix, Ethan Hawke and Samantha Peterson (Can't Buy Me Love)
Flight of the Navegator gave us Joey Cramer, Sara Jessica Parker (I remember watching LA Story and thinking isn't she the girl from Flight of the Navigator?)and the voice of Pee Wee Herman! And early Pixar FX!

Of the two films, I liked Navigator better then and now.
Explorers had a great premise, but the second half and ending dissapointed.
Navigator a better overall film, holds up well 2 decades later.

"Not all my tricks, ROOKIE!"
Paul Newman as Doc Hudson
