MovieChat Forums > Flight of the Navigator (1986) Discussion > Did any parts of this movie scare you?

Did any parts of this movie scare you?

Just curious.


Hi hollankrell,

Beleive it or not, I'm 32 and I stil startle when his brother jumps from the tree, in the forest.


Actually the whole part where Dave goes searching in the woods for his brother creeped me out. I actually had dreams about that.

Another part that creeped me out a bit was the part where Dave escapes from the room and goes to the lab where the space ship is kept. It starts when he first gets out of that little car that he was riding in.

Now that Im talking about this movie, I am going to go over to the store and buy it. I miss this movie lol






The whole returning to your house and finding that your family arent there anymore scared me a abit.


yeah alot of stuff in this movie scared the crap out of me as a kid, but not in a traumatic way. spooky and all, but i still loved it and still do.


The whole returning to your house and finding that your family arent there anymore scared me a abit.

Yeah I found that really scary too - it's the sort of thing you would have a nightmare about as a kid (and I did many times). I also had the one where you see your parents and try and talk to them but they don't know who you are - those dreams were horrible!

But anyway, back to the topic in hand - yes, that bit is freaky!

"You're gonna die, Clown!"


I was just thinking about that question when I saw this thread. I thought I was the only one...This part mentioned here horrified me when I was a kid and is probably why I have a fear of abandonment


The water tower appearing out from the trees in the dark. Another one that wasn't too scary was at the beginning at the dog show when this huge shape covers everyone, everyone looks up and stops talking. Then it turns out just to be a blimp.


I vaguely remember something where when he was being introduced to the aliens on the ship, there's an eyeball that suddenly opens and keeps saying "Ai ai ai" lol. That scared me.




When I was really young I saw this in the theatre, but I had to be taken out by my mom because I got too scared when he came home to find his family completely gone. That really freaked me out. I don't know what year this movie was releasd..but I was born in you can figure out how old I was then.


I saw that last bit last week and it scared the bejesus out of me, hell I'm 74 and piss my pants when I'm not even afraid.

'I don't blame anyone for the loss of my legs. Some Chinaman took them from me in Korea...'


I think the part that spooked me more than anything when I watched this film as a kid was that sequence when David was going back in time at the end.

"I understand that we understand each other."
--The Philedelphia Story


When I was 6, I used to get creeped out just by the eerie presence of the craft. I also remember becoming encompassed by David's walk through the woods, and feeling creeped but utterly captivated by the resemblance of the water tower and the spaceship as it appears out from behind some trees in the sky.

I think the time sequence near the end in which David is warped back in time gave me quite a chill, too. It was a scene back then which I always thought was so well done because it really grabbed me right out of my seat like no other film really did.

This film inspired me so much when I was child. The mindframe it put me in and the emotions it created for me add up to a childhood experience I don't think I'll ever forget. I often end up wondering to myself "How the hell do you make something that has the power to do that for a child?" It's really quite amazing.

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When i was little (now 22) i used to be quite scared of when david goes to find jeff and is walking throught the woods!
