MovieChat Forums > Flight of the Navigator (1986) Discussion > I think it holds up rather well

I think it holds up rather well

I'm not really sure why it didn't do very well at the box office, but I think it's underrated. Fortunately, because of home video, it didn't end up being completely forgotten. I'm actually watching the DVD right now.


I saw Flight of the Navigator(1986) in the second grade on VHS. It was a warm, sunny day before Easter 1987 and we were going on vacation for spring break. The kids in the room were cheering at the dogs catching frisbees and the music score by Alan Silvestri. We ate cupcakes, candy, and fruit punch. The film is directed by Randal Klesier, the director of Grease(1978).


I think that it does stand up rather well, either for eighties nostalgia or fans of coming of age and science fiction films.


You're the inferior species, you dumb dork.


"It was a warm, sunny day before Easter 1987 and we were going on vacation for spring break. The kids in the room were cheering at the dogs catching frisbees and the music score by Alan Silvestri. We ate cupcakes, candy, and fruit punch."

That's so beautifully simple and happily stated. Those kind of reminders make adulthood even more of a bummer, haha!


Flight of the Navigator is one of many films that Hollywood wants to remake, while it wasn't a massive hit when it came out, it was however very much appreciated by those who saw it when it originally came out in 1986 like myself.

Of course it holds up well enough.


Name's Django, The "D" is silent.


rudeboy8080 is old


I guess I am too, I was in the second grade in the '87 - '88 school year. My school showed this movie back then with a projector and movie screen right before Christmas vacation.


I saw it right around 2nd or 3rd grade too on VHS. I think a neighbor shared it with us when they rented it. I had no idea what it was but I was on a military base in another country and they didn't get much movie advertising. I enjoyed the movie and the suspense in the beginning where he does not know what happened and everyone but him aged was interesting. I remember thinking Sarah J Parker was pretty hot. I remember seeing "Runaway" in the theater.


rudeboy8080 is old

This film is a mid-80s kids production. Almost all of the people in this thread are going to be around his age or older.
