Time Travel

So according to David's brain, a trip of 560 light years was made in about 2.2 hours. According to the film, this caused him to jump forward in time by about 8 years.

So I went to find my old physics textbooks and check this out.

Now in Einstein's universe, ignoring factors like the change in mass of the ship and so on, this simply isn't possible. There is an easy to calculate time dialation factor that can be used to compare how my clock moving at a high velocity compares to one that I will call stationary. Now 560 light years is about 4,908,855.15 light hours. So travelling the distance that requires light 4.9 million hours in 2.2 hours inplies that I am travelling at about 2,231,297.795 times the speed of light. If we try to put this ratio into the time dialation equation we get an imaginary number.

So I'm trying to work out exactly how this might work with a wormhole. I was almost under an impression that a wormhole would only allow time travel into the past, or that if a person were to return through a wormhole to where he began then he would have taken the amount of time to travel relative to earth that he observed on his wristwatch?


If you would just take your schmeckel out of its hermetically sealed wrapping and use it even ONCE, two things will happen. One: the answer to your question wil be the very last thing on your mind, and Two: you will experience time travel first hand!!

Never sweat the petty stuff
ALWAYS pet the sweaty stuff!


schmeckel is yiddish for penis, diminutive of schmuck?


Yes, my good chum, that was his point. That you should USE said schemeckel a couple of times, and then physics would not seem so important. An ignorant thing to say, no doubt, but then again, you are questioning the physics of a TIME TRAVELING ALIEN SHIP in a DISNEY MOVIE for KIDS. Light speed is NOT POSSIBLE for humans anyway, if you want to come right down to it. But it's a KIDS MOVIE. For CHILDREN. They were NOT obsessed with the physics of it in the 80s, and they wouldn't be now, either. So really, this whole topic is POINTLESS. Note the words in ALL CAPS for a succint review of the above post.

Cheers ,



Well as I said in the original post, I can't find a method by which a wormhole would allow travel into the past. Hypothetically one with the aide of a wormhole could travel effectively into the past (beating light from earth to that point), but by the time the spaceship returned to earth, things would return to normal. Travelling back through the wormhole would return one to the time of origin, which would be the same amount of time in the past reletive to the rendez vous point as the earth was from that point after the first trip. If he returned through normal space travel, the time dialation factor would return all to normal.


Oh CRAP they are multiplying, Somebody get me a Star Wars-Battlefront PS2 Game.
That sh!t is flypaper for nerds.


I'm not a gamer nerd. I'm a maths nerd with a minor in physics and history nerdity


LOL @ shurikenmygherkin... best response, ever.


But it's a true story...isn't it?
Shut up, stop talking, cease and desist, there's a good girl


If you feel that way about cinema then you really don't belong on imdb.


OP remember this is an alien ship, not earthly ship, so anything is possible.

We can't make any conclusions based on any of our theories, since we have never perfect such a device or concept (actualization of time travel).


The laws of physics are universal.


this may be, however, when your trying to compare the intelligence of the human race with the intelligence of an alien race....im sure they'd put us to shame.

now i havn't seen this movie for easily about a dozen years, but im guessing that whoever built the ship must of had a better understanding of physics and/or time traveling etc. just as im sure that in a century from now, we will have the same (a better understanding).

now as smart as einstein was (and most of his 'discoveries' were actually based on work from other people) he didnt know everything. to say that time travel or speed of light travel is impossible is just as moronic as people two thousand years ago saying that its impossible to harness electrical energy into an object which produces light waves. everything is possible...just we as a society havnt yet understood how/why it works.

...also im not a physics expert, nor a philosopher, im just an average person giving my 2c :)


Presumably, real alien spacecraft are capable of faster-than-light travel.

Although I can't say that I know anything for sure, just what I hear, and my own strange unexplained experiences.

But if you've seen "The Disclosure Project" press conference at The National Press Club (it is easy to find on Google video) they sure talk about a lot of interesting stuff regarding alien spacecraft.

It seems therefore plausible that the so-called "impossible" could be possible, just that humans haven't figured it out yet.

Did anyone 50 or 100 years ago imagine the days of high definition, the internet, and cell phones?

If we can advance so far in such a short period of time, whose to say aliens haven't learned how to defy the "laws of physics". I mean was Newton browsing the web on an iPhone or listening to satellite radio?


Well if you find me a real alien spacecraft then I'll have a look.

For cellular phones and such, there was no scientific principle that made them impossible, but the technology just wasn't there yet. Humans haven't built a space elevator yet, for example, because they haven't engineered materials light and strong enough to use for that task.

My arguments above have to do with scientific principles, not technological shortcomings.


You've been everywhere in the universe have you?


You don't understand the fundamental principles of science, do you?


The only reason these principles are considered "fact" is because the human mind is currently incapable of perceiving another option. In time, even the "Laws of Physics" can and will be rendered obsolete.

The wise know without speaking. The foolish speak without knowing.


The principles that I am talking about include that an experiment conducted properly will yield the same result if the relevant conditions are the same, no matter wherever or whenever in the universe said experiment is conducted. This is why we can repeat the experiments of historical scientists and get the same result, and how we can know things like the distance to, temperature, mass of and composition of distant stars.
Yes, we may discover new things in the future to further refine our current model. It doesn't mean that our model is rendered moot, just that it provides accurate enough predictions for many purposes. Mechanical engineers, for example, don't have to take into account how an object's mass changes with it's velocity because things that they are designing don't move fast enough for this mass change to be a hindrance to functionality or even measurable.
That being said, it is safe to say, for reasons that I described in my original post, that the numbers mentioned in the film are not accurate.


It's funny you said this back in 2008 cause ever since then, the Large Hadron Collider is finding particles that could change the Law of Physics.


Are you autistic or something?!


This is the first time i have ever wrote a comment in my 17 years life,but
because i think or i know everyone one on this planet are infinitely stupid, or its me who is infintely stupid!(i mean no harm to anyone, im talking about humans in general) i respect people because like me they are living beings with feelings and so on...... but sometimes i cant stand their stupidity like the way einstein and most people who believe anything he sayed i mean cant u seeeee! that time travel is impossible! because it doesnt exist and by that i mean there is no points in the past time where there is another version of us or the world and so on.... (time) or the thing u call time has only one point and it moves forward atleast the way we exist in it.There is one peace of the flesh u are made of and its being pushed towards the future it doesnt exist in other ponits in (time) witch also doesnt exist.For those who think Einstein was the smartest guy in the world its true and its false its true because that is what they think being smart or intellegent really is! but its not.The universe is almost infinite and by that i mean atleast some parts of it are! anyway to really answer a question in this universe u have to have a fact that is unchangeable and by that i mean no matter what answer u get the results will lead to the unchangeable fact.In my opinion intellegence is a veryyy veryyy complicated thing and to really answer anything in this universe u have to be immortel to answer correcly.Think of the brain as a machine that has many extra parts or tools, like forexample memory=harddisk and hearing and the other parts are support parts, and when it comes to calculating math and science i call that part the (calculator) witch calculates and discovers things in a systematic way, but those are all support parts for YOU and what is u or what are YOU? i call it an AWARENESS and that is the most important thing in the universe and where intellegent really lies to understand it i have givin it levels from -10 to 10 where most animals are -6 or -7 and most humans are -1 think of AWARENESS LEVEL as a cage in a dark place where u see a light in the end of the darkeness and the closer u are to the light the the more u SEE things or the more u are AWARE of things and the opposite for the opposite lets say a monky has a level of -4 or -5 then if make him smarteror more(AWARE) till he reaches -2 or -1 then he will be able to think like a very average human being liking money sex football and so on..... and from the higher level u have the more u are AWARE now i explained all that because of this in my opinion einstein could be no more than level 1 or 0 because his greateness came from the part of our brain the calculator now that calculater requires a very low awareness to work anyway some people have a better calculator than others witch is what helps them in school alot, but if someone has a super calculator like Einstein he could discover alot of things in the universe by calculating facts in a systematic way and the results will be another discovery.there are people who are autistic yet they can calculate unimagineable numbers its because they have super calculators but their awareness is very low obiously so what i mean is to be really intellegent that is measured by the level of ur AWARENESS AND THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN THE AWARENESS AND THE CALCULATOR IS THAT THE CALCULATOR THINKS IN A SYSTEMATIC WAY WITHIN THE RANGE OF IT LIMITS OF ITS AWARENESS THE GREATER THE AWARENESS THE MORE U CAN BREAK THROUGH THE SYSTEMS OF THE UNIVERSE = THE GREATER THE IMAGINATION, WITCH IS THE MOST IMPORTANT THING IN THE UNIVERSE.



...the hell?


None of what he says is that new.


I always get a kick out of these types of posts.

The Einsteinian theories of general relativity etc. do not state that objects (or humans) can actually travel through time the way that scifi books and movies talk about it, regardless of how fast they move through space or by using other spacial anomalies.
What it is talking about is 'relative time' versus 'constant time'.
If we have two objects, one stationary (which is actually impossible but we'll ignore that since we are talking relative here) and one moving FTL away from the first object, the time differential for each observer's reference frame will make it appear that the one moving FTL is going back in time with respect to the first object.
This only occurs as a [visual] artifact from the fact that light etc. has a relatively constant finite speed.

A very simple example to show what we are talking about:
Imagine that our sun is a giant LED clock displaying the time such as 11:55, 11:56, 11:57, ..., 12:00, etc.
Now imagine that I am in a spaceship going FTL away from the sun when it is currently showing 12:00.
As I travel away from the sun at FTL, I'll approach and pass the 11:59 digits that were shot out as light photons, then the 11:58, then the 11:57, etc. So if I had a giant telescope and was looking back at the sun, I would see the clock appearing to count backwards because I'm going away from it faster than the light that it sent out.
It will _appear_ that I am going back in time -- but this is only RELATIVE time. It is only my 'reference frame' that is changing.
In actual constant time, the same amount of "time" will have elapsed for both myself and the sun and the rest of the universe.
Conversely, if I now flew FTL back towards the sun, time would appear to speed up rapidly, such as if I was travelling at 60xLS then one minute of the sun's clock would appear to pass in each second of my flight.

Now if we want to get into other things such as gravital time dilation etc., those are similar perceptive artifacts caused by the fact that the speed of light can be changed by gravity, etc.
The fact is that this does not affect constant time, only relative time.

So if we tried to do "time travel" on the earth like in the movies, we would actually be limited to looking back at the earth while moving away FTL for us to go backwards in relative time "visually" (ie. our reference frame has changed relative to the earth). As soon as we flew back towards the earth at FTL, relative time would catch up and we would end up both at the same point in 'constant' time again.
Attempting to use other time dilation methods such as wormholes or black holes won't work either since those only affect relative time through time "compression" etc., ie. the speed of light changes so therefore our reference frame will as well, these anomalies do not affect actual constant time.

I recommend reading up on this. There are actually a lot of good papers out on it that explains it well. The entire "time travel" idea is good for movies, but not what Einstein [or others who understand those theories] was talking about.


That is incorrect. The fact that time is relative is a very real part of the universe we live in, which means that it IS possible to travel away close to the speed of light and come back having aged only two years while everyone might have aged seven years. There is evidence that the rate at which actual time ticks varies due to relative motion, and it is actively accounted for in our GPS satellites. Also, there are several issues with your analysis. Before I tackle those let's start with the fundamental postulates of (special) relativity:

1) The laws of physics are invariant for all observers in uniform motion.
2) The speed of light "c" (where c ~= 300,000 km/sec) in a vaccume is invariant for all observers in uniform motion. Think of that number as the universal speed limit. Nothing can go faster and it's always the same speed for all observers.

For the above "uniform motion" implies a constant velocity (speed and direction of motion) and is also called an "inertial frame of reference".

Based off of the above several conclusions can be derived:

- If the speed of light is the same for all observers, regardless of their velocity, you cannot simply use additive velocities for relevistic speeds as we normally do for everyday speeds. For example, if someone watches me chase after a beam of light at a rate of .99c (297,000 km/sec) they can conclude I am travelling at that speed, 297,000 km/sec, and the light is travelling at 300,000 km/sec. This yields a diference of 300,000 - 297,000 = 3000 km/sec between my speed and the light's speed. However if I do the same measurement myself while chasing the light I could not possibly get the same result, because if I did I would only see the light moving at 3000 km/sec, violating postulate no. 2 described above! I NEED to see the light moving at a speed of 300,000 km/sec, just like the person watching me from the ground. Since Distance = Rate * Time, and the rate (which is the speed of light) cannot change, then either distance or time must change. In reality both change. Distances shrink in the direction of motion (length contraction) and time slows down (time dialation). This change can be calculated via the Lorentz Transformation.
- Events along the direction of motion are not simultaneous. Rear facing events happen first. This means that if two distant events are simultaneous in my frame, they will NOT occur simultaneously in the other person's frame. Neither of us in wrong, and each observation is equally valid and true. I won't go into why this is true for the sake of brevity, it can be easily looked up.
- Relavistic mass increases, which means that mass increases with relative speed. As a result this coupled with length contraction implies that if you were to travel at the speed of light you would have an infinate mass and no volume. Infinate mass at light speed also means that infinite energy is required to get you there. This is why no particle with mass can ever achieve light speed with things like rockets and other propulsion devices. As an example, if I were watching you drive by at 60 mph I would observe you as being slightly more massive than I would if you were standing next to me at rest.
- There are no absolute, universal, or privileged frames of reference, and no absolute times. Every frame is relative to another, and each observer has the right to view himself as at rest relative to another. This means that if I see myself as at rest and you as moving relative to me, you are equally entitled to see me as moving relative to you (in the opposite direction) and yourself as at rest.

Now onto the issues:

1) You assume faster than light travel is possible
2) You assume additive velocities between the person and the light travelling from the clock by saying "Conversely, if I now flew FTL back towards the sun, time would appear to speed up rapidly, such as if I was travelling at 60xLS then one minute of the sun's clock would appear to pass in each second of my flight.". Because you assume that, you are assuming that the speed of light is not the same for all observers, which violate's the second rule.
3) You assume that time is constant. It's not. The speed of light is constant, which means that time and distance cannot be.
4) And the fundametal problem is you are assuming that everything described by relativity is merely because of visual artifacts, which was shown above to not be the case.

Some good info on the subject:
- Relativity, written by the man himself, Einstein: http://www.amazon.com/Relativity-Special-Theory-Explanation-Understand/dp/0517029618/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1259380847&sr=8-1
- Time dialiation: http://imagine.gsfc.nasa.gov/docs/ask_astro/answers/970701a2.html
- There is also the twin "paradox" (not really a paradox once you understand the physics behind it). It's an awesome thought experiment and demonstrates special relativity really well: http://www.phys.unsw.edu.au/einsteinlight/jw/module4_twin_paradox.htm

Again, time dialation is real and has been measured. In fact, our satelites are calibrated to account for it. If they didn't account for the difference in the rate at which time "ticks" they would not be functioning properly:
- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Effects_of_relativity_on_GPS

- Astronauts age slightly less in orbit around earth:


Old post revival...

The satellite GPS clocks vary to earth clocks because of micro-gravity, NOT because of their orbital speed. Look up how atomic, mechanical and digital clocks work, and read up on GPS clocks.
Their orbital speed, or that of astronauts on the shuttle, are significantly too slow with regards to lightspeed to have any difference on "time". Any pages that state that GPS clocks and shuttle astronauts age differently then "earthlings" due to faster orbital speeds are incorrect.

I realize that my previous post makes some presuppositions because it requires FTL and other issues to be resolved. It is a simple method of visual explanation of reference frames for relative visual time events. In reality it couldn't occur because spacetime contains too many factors that will change the example.

My one example assumes time within its limited context is constant to explain reference frames. Not all "types" of time are constant, spacetime has numerous factors that cause variance between reference frames, for example changes in gravity can affect mechanical time. Also, the speed of light is NOT a constant. The common value is determined as light in a vacuum. SpaceTime and our universe is not a perfect vacuum everywhere. Physicists have "stopped" light. The speed of light can only be used when referencing visual time comparisons, for example it has nothing to do with mechanical time.

We must always be careful to not confuse mechanical time, constant time, visual time, etc. SpaceTime is a 3D multi-variable value when influenced by specific factors within a spacetime region. btw, constant time is a theoretical, but is valid.

To get back to the original issue, if I flew away from and back to earth, regardless of my travel speed (even though I could never get anywhere near light speed), the only way that I could age differently than another person on earth would be if I encountered a non-symmetrical spacetime anomaly. And like "wormholes" and other "theoreticals", they do not exist, they have never been actually found by any astronomers or physicists, and imho never will be. I don't believe that a non-symmetrical spacetime anomaly could even exist for any duration without collapsing or destroying itself.

Good conversation though... :-)


I have not studied physics outside of a few semesters at the college level, two years of astrophysics and standard physics at the high school level, and reading and learning on my own time. I am hardly a definitive source on the subject, but I love learning new things about it. With that being said I still cannot reconcile what I was taught with what you are stating in your post. What you are stating here is in direct contradiction with not only what I have learned by own research, but also with what I was taught by my professors.

1) With regards to GPS clocks ticking at different rates, the clocks on the satellites (or shuttle astronauts) in orbit ~20,000 km off the ground (with a velocity of ~14,000 km/hour or an orbital period of 12 hours) tick faster by 45
micro-seconds/day due to more gravitational potential (gravitational time dilation due to general relativity). They also tick 7 micro-seconds/day slower because of their relative velocity/orbital speed (special relativity and kinematic time dilation). This means that relative to us on the ground they are a net of +38 microseconds/day faster than our clocks. While weaker gravitational force is the more dominant of the two, the relative motion is the difference between +38 micro-seconds and +45 micro-seconds. That 7 micro-seconds is ~15% of the total time difference which is hardly negligible. This is also consistent with what I have learned through course-room material. See the following three links below explaining and calculating these effects, written independently by three physics professors:

Calculations of (special/general) relativistic effects on satellites:

...to simply claim "any sources that state that the motion of the satellites causes them to age differently than 'Earthlings' are incorrect" is not good enough. I consider NASA (http://spaceflight.nasa.gov/station/crew/exp7/luletters/lu_letter13.html) to be a credible source, so if you have sources proving that this is not the case that's great, I would love to see them if you post them...

2) With regards to the speed of light not being constant, see my previous post in which I stated that it is the speed of light in a vacuum that is constant.

3) I have never heard of anyone distinguish between different "types" of time (mechanical, visual, etc). Could you provide links to any credible sources from which you derived this information? A search yields nothing on these terms.

4) There was an experiment done to show that clocks tick at different rates due to relative velocity. See the link to the "Hafele and Keating Experiment" which was conducted to put the theories to the test, and concluded that time does indeed vary depending on a couple factors, one of them being relative motion:

Hafele and Keating Experiment


See the twin paradox, a thought experiment which came about as a direct result of special relativity's implications about time and relative motion, and shows the rate at which clocks tick is dependent on the observer's relative motion:

Twin paradox

The Hafele and Keating Experiment and Twin Paradox both show that if you flew away at .5c, turned around and came back at .5c you would be younger than the people you left behind. This is due to your changing your frame of reference by accelerating, which means that you are in three different frames while those on Earth would have been in the same frame at all times. By accelerating you are leaving your initial (Earth's) inertial frame. When you decelerate, turn around, and head back home you are again changing your frame to another, which is why it is you who is the one that is younger. See General Relativity for a better explanation of these effects due to acceleration.


mmmmm.... no.
You seem to think that time flows the same for all objects. It has been demonstrated that time can be stretched and shrunk. The other poster (who's name I can't see because I hit reply) explained it well.

There is also the effect on particles which has been demonstrated numerous times.
For example, neutrons are unstable. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Neutron#Free_neutron_decay

The half-life is about 14 minutes and it has been found that it varies depending on the speed of the neutron. The faster they move, the longer their half-life. This matches up with Einstein's theory that for a fast moving object, space is compressed and time dilated in the direction that it moves in.


It was actually 4.4 light years counting the trip both ways from Earth to Phaelon and back... It's even mentioned in the frakking script....



all this over a piece of fiction!!


Mr. Germal, what's the principle behind the fact that David didn't age while he was gone, but everyone else did?

In the context of the film I get the point, but I guess I find it confusing as to how someone could cheat time.

I didn't do well in high school physics but I find it a fascinating field of study. I wish I had a better understanding of it.


Phaelon is 560 light years away. That means, it takes 560 years to get to phaelon if you are traveling at light speed. Then, add the time to get back to Earth : everyone should have aged by 1120 years on Earth. David's parents would be long dead.

1. Is it possible to travel at light speed?
Now for Special Relativity, the faster you go, the more mass you gain. That means that to gain even more speed, it takes more energy. As you approach light speed, it takes an enormous amount of energy. To go exactly at light speed, it takes an infinite amount of energy. That is why today's scientists think that it is impossible to reach light speed.
News flash : some scientists working together discovered neutrinos going faster than light.

2. What happens to time when you move faster?
As you move faster, space compresses and time dilated in the direction you are moving. You won't feel a thing but someone who is at rest that is observing you sees that you are moving slowly and you are squished. Your coffee pours slowly into your cup. Your clocks are running slower and are squished. You would see the person at rest moving very fast and expanded. The closer you get to light speed, the more the space compression and time dilation effect becomes pronounced.

It is because of the 1120 years thing that I think the ship took a wormhole or did something to get to Phaelon in 4 years and then went back to Earth in 4 years.

PS: yes, we know it is just a movie.


>some scientists working together discovered neutrinos going faster than light.

No, they did not. They were idiots and mistaken.

>someone who is at rest

Nitpicking, but there is no such thing as being at rest. The speed of one observer as seen by the other one is close to light speed, and that equally for both of them.

>As you move faster[...] sees that you are moving slowly

Err, what? You are moving faster with respect to someone, and that someone should see you move *slower*?

>You would see the person at rest [...] expanded

Nope, the situation is perfectly symmetric. You see the other person compressed too. Even more confusing, his clocks are running slower from your point of view, too.

>the faster you go, the more mass you gain

That is something which is often expressed like that in text books about special relativity, but in fact it does not really make that much sense. That mass gain is supposed to be experienced by someone who has speed close to light relative to the observed object, but how is he supposed to measure this? It is a model which can be applied under certain very strict conditions; e.g. you have to stay in a very constant gravity field, say, inside a particle accelerator. In general relativity, this problem is even more obvious. At the end of the day, the only kind of mass which works in general relativity is the rest mass and nothing else. And when talking about space travel, special relativity shall not suffice.

>today's scientists think

Uhm, we are talking here about things integral to physics since 100 years. You could as well say "today's scientist think that the earth rotates around the sun".


> No, they did not. They were idiots and mistaken.

Can you provide a reference?

>Err, what? You are moving faster with respect to someone, and that someone should see you move *slower*?

I wasn't clear. I meant move as in walking around, moving your arms, moving your head. I also said, if you are pouring a cup of coffee, the coffee pours slowly.

>Nope, the situation is perfectly symmetric. You see the other person compressed too. Even more confusing, his clocks are running slower from your point of view, too.

That doesn't make any sense. The person who is at rest, his clocks should be running faster. Perhaps I am not remembering correctly.

>but how is he supposed to measure this?...

I would not know how he would measure it but what is the point that you are trying to make? Is light speed achievable or not? If not, then why not?

>Uhm, we are talking here about things integral ...

I said that in the sense that the theory might change in the future.


>Can you provide a reference?


These are references for the "mistaken" part, for the "idiots" part I would have to elaborate.

> The person who is at rest, his clocks should be running faster.

As I already said: There is no such thing as an objective definition of being at rest. How would you define that?

>but what is the point that you are trying to make?

I was only talking about your statement about "gaining mass". What you said about light speed is correct, just your derivation of this was problematic. Besides the entire line of thought is dubious, applying the intuition of Newtonian mechanics to get a result which contradicts Newtonian mechanics. That shows at best that Newtonian mechanics is wrong in this context, but not that your derived result is true. One could instead correctly derive it from the physical observation that any 2 observers both measure the same speed of light.


Einstein was so wrong about time travel - sort of works on paper, but that's it.
