
"Well now that all depends, do you want New Coke, Classic Coke, Cherry Coke, Diet Coke, or Caffeine Free Coke?"




Cherry Coke please!


David: Speaking of cherries, can I have yours?
Carolyn: Sorry kid, your about 8 years too late.
David: 8 Years? .... MAX!?! FETCH THE SHIP!!!


I take it classic Coke is just normal, fat Coke but what is new Coke?

"I always pretend to root for Gryffindors but, secretly, I love my Slytherin boys."~ Karen, W&G


New Coke is Coke with a different formula. It was introduced in 1985 and turned out to be a big marketing blunder. People hated it that Coke reverted to it's traditional formula which is now Coca-Cola Classic.


Was it really a marketing blunder or was it one of the greatest marketing ploys of all time ? Sales of Coke took a huge spike AFTER the re release of "Classic Coke" They more than made up the losses of New Coke and never dropped .

Liberate Tutemet Ex Inferis



I wish they would go back to the flat top cans, those looked so cool in the 80s!


Was it really a marketing blunder or was it one of the greatest marketing ploys of all time ? Sales of Coke took a huge spike AFTER the re release of "Classic Coke" They more than made up the losses of New Coke and never dropped .

Ahh, the great Coke conspiracy! If true, what a master scheme... and gutsy move.

I remember the fallout from "New" Coke very well. I recall it tasting like a bland, almost flat, Pepsi knock-off (I say this as a Pepsi man). Would love to be able to taste it now to see if my memory is right.

As I said, we were a Pepsi household, but when they brought "Classic" Coke back, man, we snatched it up and drank it like nectar from the Gods.

A journey into the realm of the obscure:


Screw that!.....David with his new found knowledge of the future should've pestered his dad to discover Dee Snider and Twisted Sister to CA$H in!!!

Either that or exploit the @#$! out of that cute little alien friend that he stole from the spaceship.
