MovieChat Forums > Fire with Fire (1986) Discussion > Finally saw this movie again!

Finally saw this movie again!

I used to love this as a kid.I don't know what it was, maybe the scenery? It was so different from other movies, maybe the adventure? Then i grew up and forgot about this movie, except faint memories here and there about some scenes of the movie. Tried to hunt it down, and finally i found a copy.

My parents are always jokingly bullied me:"Oh, you're watching that kiss-kiss movie again". :D

There's just something about this movie that makes it stay in your mind. The girl in the lake, the final scenes in the cabin in the middle of nowhere. I can't say why i love this movie, i just do. I can't pinpoint it anywhere :D It's pretty basic love story, not really complex plot, but still..

Just had to write this nonsense, i was so happy to see this again!


I know what you mean. I'm watching it right now :) They sure don't make movies like this anymore :(


I'm in the middle of watching this right now.
Haven't seen it in at least 20 years. Still holds up, still great.


I know what you mean as well. I watched MTV constantly as a kid and they played the video for Fire With Fire a lot. The whole video was just scenes from this movie. It came out when I was in the 6th grade and I don't remember it even playing in the theaters in Charleston SC but it came on HBO a few years later and I watched it over and over again. It was just so romantic- the thought of running away and forbidden love. Of course now watching it the end seems so unrealistic bc where are they gonna go and what will they do for a life etc etc? I always wondered what happened to them...


Why do Lisa and her friend leave the movie when the guys go to the restroom? I've always wondered that! Also, I know it's supposed to be a rough prison-like camp, but is anyone else bothered by how they made the handsome Craig Sheffer look with a uni-brow? I mean come on- he shaves his face he couldn't take a swipe up the middle? I just don't see Joe who keeps himself neat and tucked in for the most part letting that happen especially around Lisa. Maybe it's just me but it bugged me.


I can't explain the unibrow but I know what you mean about the movies- it always bothered me that the girls left while the boys were in the can. Who does that?!?! And when they meet he asks if she saw him in the woods but not if she saw him in the movie theater. Just a poorly written script I guess.


I just watched it myself and I liked it
