So bad, it's terrific!
This needs to be on DVD.
This movie was quite bad, but great!
I'm right, you're wrong. That must really suck.share
This needs to be on DVD.
This movie was quite bad, but great!
I'm right, you're wrong. That must really suck.share
This movie reaks of cheese so bad!
What was up with the Survivor tune? ... it was so cheesy because that song will forever be remembered for the "Rocky" movies. I mean they were even using a James Brown song as well that I think might have been in Rocky? I wonder what movie was made first. If this movie was made after Rocky, the director/writer needs to be slapped. The whole movie just was so unbelievable and stupid but I forced my self to watch it. And what was up with the stupid truck shooting morters and machine guns out the back and hitting everything? ... yeah right! ..haha
I like Busy so I gave it a chance. I was disapointed though.
It was made after Rocky III, which really featured the song. Hell, it came out a year after Rocky IV.
Movies sharing soundtracks have never been a 'new' thing. Though it's true, the idea was not great.
I don't even think of those dumb 'Rocky' sequels when I hear that song. I think of this movie. Even my dad got sick of the 'Rocky' movies and that's saying something. &
It's a gem.
Damn right.