this is a supercool movie!
During the 80's a movie with either a time traveler, or cyborg, or ninja, or supercar, just couldn't go wrong. And the elminiators is such a movie. I remember as a kid falling in love with science fiction. i loved the adventures and the fantasy.
The eliminators gives us all of the element's i mentioned in the first sentence
and weaves them nicely together. I remember seeing it as a kid and thinking , "wow, what a jem I've found." And i still think it is a gem.
There's something for everyone in this movie. Theres analysis of what it means to be human, there's action, theres revenge, there's technology, and there's a good plot twist.
Denise Crosby is super cool. she went from being in this cool movie to playing tasha yar. Denise if you ever read this message, i want you to know that you are in my supercool book. You did an awsome job and i like all of your recent film work as well. Long live Tasha YAr!!!