MovieChat Forums > Eliminators (1986) Discussion > can watch it on youtube

can watch it on youtube

go to youtube and type in rarevideos in the search engine then it should come up it is split into 9 parts and the picture quality is not great ,but hey at least it there to watch,it is impossable to find on vhs or dvd


Thanks!!!. You can´t imagine how happy I am. I´m going to watch this movie again after 22 years.

I saw this movie in a cinema when I was 5!!!

I can´t believe it!!!



Thank <insert god of religion here> for imdb!!!!
Dang, was I suprised when I, just for the hell of it, decided to make a search for a movie that I "lost" the title of, and tried searching with the keyword "Cyborg" and found what I thought was titled Exterminator, but in fact it was this.

I made a search and found it on Demonoid!
I'm dl:ing it now as I... Write? At 1MB/sec.
Can't wait to see it again. Haven't seen it since I was like 11-12 and rented it like a gazillion times on VHS at the local videostore...

Now, there's only one more movie that I can recall that I must have, but I'm clueless to it's title, but there's a scene that I remember where the main character, surprisingly, is a Cyborg, and he's just been in a fight, and he's sitting down with a tweezer and a scalpel and fixing his, I think, right arm. It's like a little slimy and bloody (Go figure...) and he pulls the steel-wires as they control his hand... I'd say it's perhaps a few years younger than Eliminators.

Any thoughts..?

Just made another search, and.. Ha! I think I found it, short of getting slightly confused... It said it's Italian, but there are American actors, and a Swedish one too (woman then, old crow now =0P), and I thought that rimed badly actually.

Vendetta dal futuro

Anyone has it, feel like sharing..? Send me an e-mail or PM.

"-For crying out loud..." *Jack O'Neill - Stargate SG1*


"there's only one more movie that I can recall that I must have, but I'm clueless to it's title, but there's a scene that I remember where the main character, surprisingly, is a Cyborg, and he's just been in a fight, and he's sitting down with a tweezer and a scalpel and fixing his, I think, right arm. It's like a little slimy and bloody (Go figure...) and he pulls the steel-wires as they control his hand... I'd say it's perhaps a few years younger than Eliminators. "

Sounds like the original Terminator. The scene in the motel where he's repairing himself.


No... Although that scene is similar, it's not that movie.
This movie is from before (I think, not sure. Feels older-ish) Terminator.

I know because I rented it several times and at one point my mom made some tunafish-something and I was watching that movie and I felt that smell and it sorta stuck on me. A bit corny I know, but I remember comparing that smell to what dying (Or something along that way) flesh would smell like. Hard to put into words really.
I've must have been around 11-12 years old back then which would have put me around 1987-88.
An no, it's still not Terminator! I would have remembered since I was nuts about Cyborg-movies back then. It actually took me a few years after Terminator came out because I remember not wanting to see it since it looked part scary, and part boring. I probably didn't watch it until 89-90 or so...

Top of every forum:"View: ... | ... | ... | nest" <-Choose "nest"!!


I realize I'm responding to a post from 2009 in 2013, but what the hell.

So was it the Italian movie you thought it was?

I think I remember a scene like the one you described in WestWorld.


thanks for the info

When there's no more room in hell, The dead will walk the earth...



I know, I was delighted when I found out.

"Hey, look at that! She's not crazy, she's being chased by a cheetah!"
