Some help please!

Yo right I would just liek it if somebody could help me with something. Right I saw a movie with my friends when we were both like 10 years old (8 years ago) and 'Beverley Hills' was in the title I think.

I remember a part where there is this white guy in jail with a riduculously tall afro and him and the guys in jail start like beatboxing or something like that.

I was just wondering for those that have seen this film is if this is the one I saw or am I mistaken? If so do you know of the film I speak?

Thanks alot for your attention


I don't know what movie you are talking about, but this is definitely not it... Sorry to disappoint you. If I think of the title of the film you are talking about I will let you know...

Jesse Taylor...
Movie Afficionado!


Well, the first movie that comes to mind for me that fits everything you said, except the part with Beverly Hills in the title is a movie called House Party. It stars the popular rap/hip hop artists Kid n Play. Hope this helps.

So get your bitchin'damning ass in your bitchin'damn room, dammit!--Meatwad


I think the movie you might be referring to is entitled SCENES FROM THE CLASS STRUGGLE IN BEVERLY HILLS.


No, "Scenes from the Class Struggle" doesn't have any scenes in jail or anybody with an Afro. (Damn good movie though!)


I also believe, that you're thinking of 'House Party'. &
