And he escaped twice while in custody. The first in Aspen, Colorado where he was there for a preliminary hearing representing himself. He asked to be allowed to use the library to use their legal books. He didn't have any handcuff or leg irons and he went to look for a way out and found a window behind a bookshelf. He stayed within the city limits, hid in the woods and used cabins and campers. After six days of not much sleep or food to eat, he got lost in the woods. He came upon a car with the keys inside and stole the car. So sleep deprived and in constant pain from his ankle, which he injured while on the run, he was pulled over by two policemen who noticed his car swerving from lane to lane.
He was thrown back in jail but with the help of inmates he acquired hacksaw and from his many visitors received $500. He sent out by making a hole in the ceiling of his cell and lost a lot of weight so he could fit through the hole. He made a few trial runs, explored the jail, and in late December, while most of the jail staff was on Christmas break, he squeezed into his hole and used the crawl space to reach the chief jailer’s apartment. The jailer was out with his wife, so Bundy changed into some of his street clothes and simply walked out the door. His escape this time wasn't discovered for almost 24 hours. By then, he was in Chicago, having stolen a car, hitched a ride after the car broke down, and taken a bus and then a plane. In January, he ended up in Tallahassee, Florida, where he rented a room in a boarding house and used an alias. He intended to lay low, believing he could stay in Florida and escape detection. 7 days after the second escape, he came upon the girls in the sorority and we all know what happened after that. He stole a FSU van and drove to Jacksonville, tried to kidnap a teenager but failed and drove to another Florida city, where he successfully kidnapped another teenager from a junior high and her body was found weeks later.
A few days later, Bundy stole a VW bug and decided to flee Florida. He was behind on his rent, he was on the FBI’s Ten Most Wanted List, and he had the feeling that the cops were closing in. He made it almost to the Alabama state line before a Florida cop pulled him over after a random wants and warrants check told the cop the car was stolen.
I've always remembered that he did that and he was very smart but he couldn't control his impulses to kill and/or rape, if he could've controlled those impulses who knows how long he would have remained free. He would have faced additional trials in the following states: Washington, Colorado, Utah, Oregon, Idaho and Vermont had he not gotten the death penalty in Florida. I've studied serial killers, mostly because I'm interested in the psychology of serial killers whether their born that way or made by their environment and circumstances. I've read just about everything on Ted Bundy that I could find. He is probably the most interesting of all the serial killers because he was charming, very intelligent but antisocial and had some very severe personality disorders, yes more then one. My psychology professor determined that he believed that Ted Bundy was born that way although his home life wasn't ideal it only cemented his personality and the anger that laid under the surface. If Florida hadn't executed him all the other state minus Vermont all had the death penalty in 1979.