The girlfriend theory is very weak. First, the girls had all different colors of hair and lengths, despite what the film says. And the parted in the middle thing is simply because most young women wore their hair that way in the 70's. Ann Rule's book is excellent in terms of describing the crimes but is of no use in terms of WHY he did what he did. Many many many men have bad break ups but, obviously, don't go on to become serial killers.
I did some good answers from a book from one of the men that did extensive interviews with Ted in prison. Ted was a necrophiliac. That was his main compulsion. Not the act of killing so much, as Ted himself explained that part didn't really excite him, but the desire to have sex with a dead body. The book revealed that Bundy would go back to his dump sites, weeks, even months after the murders, to have sex with the corpses.