MovieChat Forums > Cobra (1986) Discussion > An army of serial killers..?

An army of serial killers..?

I love this movie - it is a great 80s slasher/action mix. I have always been curious about the gang or army of killers though. There had to be a leader of sorts that organized them…? How exactly did they come together in the first place? Better yet, how did they stay together and not get the entire group busted?

I have heard that 50 minutes was cut from the movie and much of this went into detail about the gang or cult..anyone familiar with this? I’d love to see the extended cut some day


Eh this movie was pretty bad, the action wasn’t that great, the acting was pretty dull and it wasn’t even awesome in a dumb way. Plus the fact that there’s a music video right in the middle of it is just baffling.


Well, opinions are like assholes - everyone has one


Yep even you.


Yeah, I thought the movie was pretty bad too. I saw it on HBO back when it first came to the cable movie channels, and I thought it was awful. Something went seriously wrong with Stallone in the eighties. In the seventies, he wrote Rocky, and it was one of the best movies of all time about heart and determination and the triumph of the human spirit. And then in the 80s we got Rocky IV, which was comic book politics and the dreaded grey-suited commies. He starred in First Blood, which was story about how society badly mistreated a heavily damaged Vietnam vet, and in Rambo II and III, he turns this pathos-laden character into Superman with a mullet. And in this movie, he ratcheted up every clichéd action movie trope there was.

And the funny thing is, this is basically Stallone's version of Beverly Hills Cop. He was briefly tapped for the role of Axel Foley, and he heavily rewrote the script, and changed the character's name to Axel Cobretti (same last name as the hero of this movie). Thankfully, the producers of Beverly Hills Cop parted ways with Stallone and hired Eddie Murphy. Stallone went on and tweaked his Beverly Hills Cop script to make Cobra. Beverly Hills Cop went on to become one of the best movies of the 80s. Cobra has deservedly gone on to become a little remembered Stallone movie from back then. It just wasn't a good movie. At all.


They were trying to use the character of Michael Myers to be the leader of the gang but they couldn't secure his rights, so much of this film got edited down


Did you know that the head of the detective unit(forget his name, he was in Hellraiser) was the leader of the gang of killers ? It’s true though


Andrew Robinson? The guy Cobra punched out in the end.


Yep, that’s him! In the original script he was the the ringleader of the bad guys. Stallone had to cut like 50 minutes from the movie and ended up cutting that all out .. now you know why I want to see the full original version


Never heard that one before. Interesting


Michael Myers was never a detective. He's a killer


That would be hilarious in some movie where someone hires Michael Myers to be a private detective. He'd just put a hat and trenchcoat on over his regular costume and mask and then just silently follow whoever he was assigned to. However he'd be terrible at conveying any information since he doesn't talk much and would leave a lot of bodies behind.


they lurk in shadows and undergrounds. nothing is ever explain but they come from all walk of life - some wear suits, some wear overalls and some look normal or look like keelai.

but yes an army of serial killer on motorbikes would not be hard to track down hahahah.
