MovieChat Forums > Cobra (1986) Discussion > Things learned from Cobra! (Spoilers)

Things learned from Cobra! (Spoilers)

1. If an eye-witness sees you commit a crime, it's better to disappear for a while, then to try and murder the eye-witness, which will cause you to commit more crimes, carnage etc by doing so.

2. If the police department's trying to protect the sole eye-witness by leaving town, and there's a good chance "someone's on the inside", it's best to take "extra cops", when one might be a "rat", and the "extra cops" are hugely ineffective in combat compared to the one super-cop "Cobra".

3. A "female cop", who works for the cultists, thinks it's wise to rat out the eye-witness's location, right in full-view of Cobra, to arouse his suspicions.


4 There is a kind of SWAT (only cooler) - division of the Los Angeles Police Department known as the "Zombie Squad".

5 The ZS doesn't seem to have a lot of members and they aren't much liked by too many other cops.

6 Cobra seems to grab all the cool weapons of the ZS. His partner kind of gets the regulation stuff.

7 ZS members drive their own retro type vehicles, which don't seem to be fitted with police radios (to be used in case of emergency).

8 One should park their car carefully and always ensure a public parking space remains for Cobra near his apartment.

9. Local gang members hanging nearby Cobra's apartment should dress and act appropriately, otherwise risk having their t-shirts torn asunder and told to "clean up their acts".

10. Cobra likes to advise others of the benefits of a healthy diet, whilst eating cold pizzas himself.

11. Cobra is very self controlled and rarely holds grudges ... unless your name is Det. Monte.

12 New Order bikers are happy to sacrifice themselves for the cause, by constantly throwing themselves into the path of Cobra's automatic gunfire, enabling him to kill off at least 30 easily enough, with little danger to himself.🐭



14. Cobra doesn't shop there.


15. If you don't cut your pizza with scissors and eat it with driving gloves on, yer just not cool!
Truth is no defense to the overarching goal of submission.


16. Police HQ mysteriously pulling the guards from overseeing the victim at the hospital, just in time for the Night Slasher to make another attempt on her life, isn't worth looking into.

17. Cobra can materialize a random motorcycle he never had before so he can ride off with the girl in stylish fashion.

18. The Night Slasher's drive-by shooting was apparently to assassinate the headlights on Cobra's car.



14. Cobra doesn't shop there.

best line ever



29. Cobra gets involved with the prime witness while on the job and lays down the law to his subordinates (i.e.doesn't set a good example).


You can shoot the disease but the cure can go home and have lunch . no paperwork... Not!


The LAPD headquarters is laid out so efficiently that you can walk from the Chief's office to the Morgue to the gun range in just a few steps.


When betraying your friends to an army of serial killers, it's not a good idea to stand out in the open and obviously point out to them several times where your friends are/were sleeping. This makes it impossible to infiltrate your former friends later and also gives them reasons to not like you and call you names behind your back.
