MovieChat Forums > The Clan of the Cave Bear (1986) Discussion > If you havent seen the unedited film, yo...

If you havent seen the unedited film, you must

I finally bought the DVD today and just got done watching it. Previously I had never seen anything but your average, "edited for content and to fit in the time allotted" version, and greatly enjoyed seeing the film uncut. Mostly for the full initial rape scene and following short rape scenes which had been cut entirely, but also to see the blue-eyed guy get his head bitten off by the cave bear, lol. Also at least one shot of a bare-breasted woman.

Anyways I do recommend that you seek out and watch the uncut version if you haven't before.



That's the uncut version? I saw the movie in Holland, and I remember the rape-scenes and the head bitten off. I even remember the sound of that! Could the version you have seen previously be an censured one? I think it is time by the way to buy the DVD, good idea!


a good 10 years or so ago, Warners was about to put out an extended version Laserdisc SE of this-but something went wrong-probably lack of preorders-a much dumber film than QWEST FOR FIRE-so they dropped it-even the resulting DVD is bare bones.


yeah for some reason when i was a sophomore in high school we got to watch this, and for some reason it was unedited. my teacher fast forwarded through the boobs, but showed the part with the guy getting owned by the bear. it was pretty funny.



If you think that the head was being chewed off was funny, it was not. That was really sad. They loved each other and he did it to save Ayla.


If you think that the head was being chewed off was funny, it was not. That was really sad. They loved each other and he did it to save Ayla.

lol ! he was really owned by the bear yea :P
