MovieChat Forums > The Clan of the Cave Bear (1986) Discussion > Roland Emmerichs movie 10.000 B.C....

Roland Emmerichs movie 10.000 B.C....

Director Roland Emmerich is doing a movie called 10.000 B.C. that starts filming in April.

I hope it's successful because then maybe someone will do a Clan remake.

Ron (to Hermione): Anyone we know dead?



It should be 100,000 B.C., that's when there were several species of hominids around the world. 30,000 years ago is when all the other hominids were wiped out by us.


"30,000 years ago is when all the other hominids were wiped out by us. "

Can you tell me who your sources are?


We are not sure we wiped anyone out, but if we did, that is as it should be...The stronger, or smarter always prevail...Someday it may be us on the way out......

You Have a Hard Lip, Herbert..

Better Living Thru Chemistry


IMDB quite: "A prehistoric epic that follows a young mammoth hunter's journey through uncharted territory to secure the future of his tribe."

Sounds exactly like Quest for Fire, except in Quest there are a couple of guys (or was it three).

Cool too see another major caveman epic though. And cool to see Omar Sharif in a big movie again.




1.10,000 B.C. will probably not be that good. It seems to be all over the place and that is why it will fail in storytelling and only have some good visual effects (but still nothing groundbreaking and there for be worse then average).
2.Why want a remake when you can just watch the original? I see nothing wrong with the movie. I thought it was wonderful. And I know that in the state that Hollywood companies are in, we would never get a good movie from them. Especially not a remake. The only good remake was The Thing.

"I will make my arrows drunk with blood and my sword shall devour flesh"


So, 10,000 BC wasn't that bad, I actually enjoyed it. Of couse, I went into it expecting to think it was terrible, so that might have had an impact, haha. I liked both these movies, but for different reasons.
