It'll never happen I have yet to meet someone asw "beautiful" as the author writes this guy to be....so how can this be a movie?
The harder the test, the greater the reward.
It'll never happen I have yet to meet someone asw "beautiful" as the author writes this guy to be....so how can this be a movie?
The harder the test, the greater the reward.
doesn't look right according to the author but there is something about him that's animalistic and innocent at the same time..
Jondalar dear, J-O-Ndalar.
That post wasn't even close to being sarcastic. It looked to me like the OP just made a typo though.
You'll just have to comfort yourself with the fact he was uncircumcized and probably nasty a good deal of the time, and most likely would give Ayla circum cancer if they live long enough.
share"And Im sick of Ayla being so perfect too and miss Innocent and for some reason has to invent just about everything for humanity."
Ayla inventing 'everything for humanity' has to do with what happened to her at the Clan-gathering at the end of 'Clan of the Cave Bear'- there was a reason. Maybe you should re-read the books before making fun of them.
I collect dead pigeons then I press them between the pages of a book.share