New movie???

Does anyone know if this movie will ever be remade?
The first one was quite good, but it could be better.
The cavemen could have more accurate faces... And Ayla don’t havto be 25 when she hunts....
The book is great, but the movie (Witch is good) does not do it justice!!!
And there is more than one book... Why not make one movie per book???
This would not only be a great thing for us, the fans, but also an eye opener for all others how great these books are!!!

PLEAS make these movies!!!

(Forgive my English, I'm from Sweden, and my grades in English where questionable! :-)


I loved the book too (nearly finished the set). Never seen the movie (afraid to!).

Don't worry Ed - I enjoy your English! I can understand you easily, but you get just about every grammar point wrong! (where/were, don't/doesn't, which, witch).

Native English speakers (in the USA, anyway), generally are no better :).


I wish they would come out with a new moive. I am always watching and looking but I dont think it will happen. If they are gonna make a movie per book, that would be great, really great, but unless they are gonna do that they shouldnt even do a remake on Clan of the Cave Bear. It would be too disappointing.


It would be kinda like watching porn though. She wrote about them having sex a lot so if they were to continue with the movies they'd have to cut some of that or it would be porn.

Also, has anyone heard anything about her progress with the last book? I know her other books had substantial gaps in between but I don't want to wait too long.

"Lose one friend, Lose all friends, Lose yourself." Eric - Boy Meets World


I hope they don't make this story again. I thought it was terrible in fact I cannot think of a single caveman/woman story that wasn't.

Though cutting out the sex is done by implication.

Loved the books though/


Many movies have a sexual aspect to the storyline without being porn. "The Piano," "9 1/2 Weeks," "An Officer and a Gentleman,"... "Clan of the Cave Bear" featured a character who repeatedly raped Ayla. Again, many movies have featured rapes as part of the plot, such as "The Accused," "Pulp Fiction," and "Cape Fear"--again without being "porn."


I have too admit that I skipped the sex parts of the books… After I red a sex scene a couple of times I got bored of it, and I skipped the rest of the sex parts…


A remake would indeed be interesting. I often say that if i ever get a couple of billion dollars i would start a movie project, and this is the one i would make. The whole series could make a fantastic epic with a decent budget.

When it comes to the books though, i didnt like the mammoth hunters very much. The other ones are great.

One problem i see with a remake is that the author of the books is now pretty protective about her story and doesnt allow the neccessary cuts here and there, to make the story more fit for a movie. This is something i read anyways.



the problem to making the rest of the movies is the languages they would literally have to invent at least 5 new languages to make the story work...not to mention half the species in the books are extinct....



this cost $15 million way back when......


I have made a similar post without having read your post first. My appologies.

I totally agree with you. Jean Auel's story has much potential and with the film technology of today it would be a great movie


I dont think it would be remade. Although it would be nice fot it to be remade. For me, there is the issue that Ayla left her son, Durc, though she did not want to do it. I think the movie summed up the issue with Durc nicely. Still I could not invest my time in a movie or movies without some type of reunion. I think it would be interesting if i knew what happened tp Durc or have a story about Durc.
