Evil dead

Is it just me or on the scene where that guy goes to buy cigarettes, does he use the three magic words from army of darkness.


I just saw the part now and you are right!



That line was used long before in "Clash of the Titans" and many other movies. It was made a cult classic by being used by Bruce but the phrase was used on many movies before it was ever used on "Evil Dead"


Actually the phrase is from "The Day the Earth Stood Still" (1951).


Actually, it's only one of many "borrowed" elements from classic films. My favorite is the exchange that goes something like this:

"What if it can read minds?"
"Then it's going to be real mad when it gets to me."

These lines were first used in the 50's classic "The Thing from Another World." Also, both the visual and sound effects for the robots' lasers are virtually identical to those for the Martian death ray in the 1953 film, "War of the Worlds." I'm sure there are many such allusions I missed, but I enjoyed those I recognized.



Klatau, Barada, Nikto... at least that's George Lucas's spelling of the words.

"Fine. You want to eat? Let's see if you can eat... PIZZA!!!"

