The head blowing up and the sounds of the lazers!
Did anyone else think those lazers sounded like Transformers lazers?? I mean they just looked like flashes of light flying from their head. In real life, I wonder what would happen if a person got hit by one of those things!
Also the part where the chick gets her head blown up by the lazer!
He had good aim!
But what was it that splattered on the window that the other teens are witnessing this gruesome action immediately after her head blows up???
Obviously peoples heads do not explode in movies, so what was used to be blown up as her head..
I heard from the DVD interview on the disk, it was a watermellon!
I wonder how many blown-up watermelons it took to get that head explosion scene right!
I imagine what the teens are looking at on the window after her head explodes from the lazer are bits of watermellon!
They also could have used a prosthetic head, or a mannequin's head!
What are the purposes of signatures!!..