Clatto Verata Nicto?
okay, i'm not 100% sure on this, but right before the gum-chewing guy gets killed off, he looks at the killbot and it sounds like he says "Clatto Verata Nicto," aka the secret words Ash has to remember to retrieve the Necromonicon in Army of Darkness, please tell me that i am hearing things, because by my math chopping mall is a good 6 years older than army of darkness, which means sam raimi stole that line, which is part of one of the funniest scenes in army of darkness, from this craptacular throw-away of a movie, it almost ruins the quote, i'm pretty sure that the gum-chewing guy says it, but if anybody can decipher something else or is aware of something even older that that line originally comes from, i would appreciate your help, thanks
p.s. even though i did hate this movie, "rambo-gram" was farking classic, but what the hell is up with having angus scrimm do a cameo and then not even show his face, they had a profile shot of him that was way pulled back, pointless