i have a few questions - help needed please! (Spoilers inside)
1 - What happened to the body of the first technician? we see him being killed but nothing after that - what has happened to him by the time the second technician enters the room and doesn't see him?
2 - Given the teens employed in the mall will know about the robots tasering intruders, why do they still have the party knowing the robots will detect them?
3 - Why is the computer controlling the robots on the roof?
4: What is the difference between the shorter film version (75 mins) and the longer one (90 mins)?
5 - The teens and robots between them cause an incredible amount of damage, including fires and smoke. Why aren't the fire alarm and sprinklers therefore set off?
6 - if the robots are meant to patrol the floors, then why are they kept in the technicians' room instead and only get out by killing them?
7 - why don't the gang go back up into the airvents when they are together again as they're safe there?
8 - What made the second robot start electrocuting itself? It just suddenly seemed to happen!
9 - We learn from the scientist at the start that the robots are only equipped to fire tasers and sleep darts. So why do the robots suddenly have those pincer thingies to cut peoples' throats?
10: When the last survivor is hiding under a shelf in a store, suddenly she has snakes and spiders crawling over her. Where did they come from? Even if it is a pet store, don't tell me they just let their livestock run around free