i loved this film...
when i first watched it, i didnt even know anything about it, didnt know it existed. But when i read about the plot, it seemed very interesting - different from the films that i had watched at that point. Instantly, i was very attracted to the film score - very beautiful...soothing. I also loved the Special Ed students - i loved how they all had these very different personalities but they all came together during the movie. I can't forget of course the "Boomerang" song - i thought it was so cute how James Leeds and that girl were dancing in the room listening to that song :) Sarah did an excellent performance in this movie - even though she couldnt express herself through words i definitely felt her emotions through her signing - very inspiring. Piper Laurie also did a great job in this film. All in all, i loved the story, the characters, the music and how they made this movie to be one of the best movies from the '80s.