A lot of opinions on here.
First of all Marlee is spot on when she wants to sign ASL and the biggest sin in this movie is when she's signing something important and all i see is Hurts mouth speaking.
There are many variations of sign language all over the world. There are about four that are really relevant to the USA though.
1. Gestural Sign. Signing using gestures that even hearing people can understand. This is NOT a language. However a crude means of communication, that is often necessary for the Deaf community.
2. SEE. Or Sign Exact English. Its not a separate language from English anymore than morse code is its own language. It means that for every word spoken in English a sign will be produced to represent that word. This is the English Language. The issue with this is that English takes up no space at all, whereas signing is 3-D and can be difficult to produce within those barriers.
3. PSE. This is Pidgin Signed English. PSE is not only English or only ASL but a combination of the two. Its like when you kinda know Spanish and you meet someone who kinda knows English and it produces Spanglish. PSE is very common. Marlee uses it often. Not so much in this movie, however later on in her life she does, and a lot of the sign language I see produced within the public realm is often PSE, not a bad thing. Deaf people can tend toward this for many reasons. The first is that almost all Deaf people are bilingual, they know English because they have to learn to read it, and they sign ASL. So its no surprise that they often sign in a combination of the two. The second is that 90% of Deaf children are born to hearing parents. So IF the parents choose to learn sign language they will probably never develop ASL proficiency and therefore at least within their own family the child will have to communicate using PSE. Also many Deaf people have told me that they choose to speak this way around hearing signers as well as interpreters because they can still express themselves and the other person can more fully understand them.
4. ASL. American Sign Language is often viewed as the person above said "a cruder or simpler form of English" . Well it has nothing to do with English so I choose not to go any further with that.
ASL is a 3-D language and has its own set of many rules and like any other language will take you a minimum of two years to become fluent.
Feel free to correct me if I made any mistakes, and I appreciate all of ya'lls interest in ASL.