MovieChat Forums > The Boy Who Could Fly (1986) Discussion > I Do Like The Song ''Walking On Air'' Fr...

I Do Like The Song ''Walking On Air'' From Stephen Bishop

I Do Like The Song ''Walking On Air'' From Stephen Bishop They Did Play That Song On ''The Boy Who Could Fly'' Movie. I Hope You Understand I Said AllRight Guys.

Well I Got To Go Now
White Me Back Ok
From Tim Cruz





I have that song on MP3. I bought the soundtrack a while back:)

And they rode on in the friscalating dusklight.

Friends don't let friends vote Democrat.


Hey, are you still there? Still have that mp3? I've been looking for it. It's rare.



You can just listen to the stupid song on youtube.

I'm the saddle.



It's not rare at all, and readily available on CD a legal MP3 for those who still support musicians. It's a great song, but other than the flying reference, it doesn't really fit this film because it's about romance.
