Anyone else cry at the end?

When I saw this movie for the first time at age twelve, I found the end where he says goodbye to his brother and flies away such a touching scene. I was even compelled to shed some tears it was so powerful, anyone else feel this way?


Goodbye to his brother, when did that happen?

I don't remember him having a brother, but I do remember him saying goodbye to Milly, and feeling a little choked up.

"There ain't nobody who wouldn't hurt you, if it'll help them."


yeah, you've got your facts wrong dude.. he doesn't say goodbye to anybody... but the only one he was friends with was the girl, millie. he didn't have a brother.

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The more emotional scene is when the family pulls together to save the GI Joe figures from washing away.


This movie was the first one ever to make me cry.

I was fifteen and had never seen it before, but had read about it.

I taped it off the TV and could not stop watching it for about two weeks.

The scene at the end made me cry...and ever since then certain movies have made me cry.

I think Poltergeist was the second movie ever to make me cry.


"She will remember your heart when men are fairy tales in storybooks written by rabbits"


lol, yeah, there's no brother. If you mean the scene where he says goodbye to Milly, then yes, I cried my heart out.

I only do it with superheroes.
