Fancy a cast reunion???

Please see the details involved on the FB, we need fan interest! :)

Thank you.


Yes! If you are a fan, please check it out! I know there are many more fans out there! :0)


Just wanted to spread the word that we've now opened our official website to "Bring Back The Boy Who Could Fly." It's still in the early stages and we have so much more to add.

So if you are a fan of "The Boy Who Could Fly" please check out our site.

We've got so much stuff we've gathered from all over and will be putting up on our site. Also please check out our facebook as well and join us there as we update as often as we can. (Rare photos, rare articles and interviews with things you may not have known about the movie, videos...etc. And a place for fans to get together.)

Help us keep this amazing movie alive!
