MovieChat Forums > Black Widow (1987) Discussion > The fruit she eats in the woods?

The fruit she eats in the woods?

In the scene when both women are in the woods, when they discuss how one knows when one has achieved "rich" and the reveal of multiple husbands occurs, does anyone know what fruit she is eating? I thought it might be a persimmon, except I don't believe a purple variety exists. It also kind of looks like a mangosteen, but I don't know if anyone in Hollywood really knew at that point what a mangosteen was.

Any other ideas?


I don't know but I too, wondered what type of fruit it was. Anyone know?


Weren't they passion fruits? Anyhow, not mangosteens, as those have a white flesh.


Luv215, it was a pomengranent. (sp?) Hard to eat, but good. You have to peel away the skin, then eat the little seeds which are covered with a fleshy covering. Good, difficult to eat, but worth it. Kind of sour/sweet. Usually just found in the produce section of every supermarket.


Just saw this movie again on HBO, she was indeed eating mangosteens. What made the fruit harder to ID was the unusual way she ate it (peeling off some of the rind and just biting at the edible center). It made the dark plummy rind bleed all over the white flesh, which camouflaged it. Also, you wouldn't normally put the rind anywhere near your mouth due to its very bitter and astringent tastes. So, the "wrong way" she ate the fruit was misleading.


Not a pom. I was trying to decide between Mangosteen and Passionfruit and finally decided Mangosteen.


They looked like figs to me.


As Rupert said to Ursula in DH Lawrence's'/Ken Russell's Women in Love,
this fruit resembles a female...
(another seductive move by the Black Widow?)
