Shower scene

What was the point of the scene where Winger's in the shower trying to get it to turn on when it suddenly blasts her in the face? Very abrupt and made me laugh. It seemed outta place, but I liked it.


You're right - nonsense. But was one of many screwy discontinuities and incongruities. Gotta be bad editing and continuity people (but one wonders how others would let the stuff thru).


Maybe Reni did it.

My Love


Of course she did...why didn't you all get that?...she could have been seriously burned..


I'm confused as well-I thought it was very obvious that she could have been seriously injured.- the water was extremely hot and she screamed when it hit her in the face. Perhaps other posters watched it on the telly and the scene was edited?
Trying to be kind here...

"Gentlemen you can't fight in here!" "This is the war room!" Dr. Strangelove


She liked Catherine's fiance. he had just told her that him and Catherine decided to get married.(Catherine deliberately set her up to fall) The shower scene immediately following that was literally showing that she got 'burned'/screwed over. Even though she was working she had real feelings for him. It's quite obvious that is why the scene is there.


What you said. Couldn't agree more.


Of course she did...why didn't you all get that?...she could have been seriously burned..

Yep, she did and it's in your face obvious.

I like your Christ. I do not like your Christians. They are so unlike your Christ-Gandhi


Except that only an idiot would turn the shower on when the water was coming out of the faucet so hot.

She stood there banging and pulling instead of stepping out of the shower like a normal person.
