I love that line that Diane Ladd (Etta) delivers from her tanning bed to Debra Winger (Alex). Diane Ladd is an excellent actress who has been in many great tv shows and movies.
"I'll tell you two things about me: I'm very rich~~~~~and I'm very wealthy." BlackWidow
Main Entry: 2pique Function: transitive verb Inflected Form(s): piqued; piqu·ing Etymology: French piquer, literally, to prick — more at pike Date: 1669 1: to arouse anger or resentment in : irritate <what piques linguistic conservatives — T. H. Middleton> 2 a: to excite or arouse especially by a provocation, challenge, or rebuff <sly remarks to pique their curiosity> b: pride <he piques himself on his skill as a cook> synonyms see provoke
In accordance with definition #1, I believe Ladd made that comment to Winger because, being a materialistic person, she felt Winger resented her for letting Russell bribe her.
Diane Ladd lived in an appearance-oriented world. Alex had been receiving all sort of negative comments from her manager and co-worker about her appearance and appearance of no sex life. So, Diane Ladd hit a bulls-eye.
"Two more swords and I'll be Queen of the Monkey People." Roseanne
Diane made a cheap shot because that material junk was all she cared about. I found the line wry, not at all sure why it would be considered hilarious.