MovieChat Forums > Big Trouble in Little China (1986) Discussion > The Reboot/Sequel is still on the table,...

The Reboot/Sequel is still on the table, according to the Producer

I genuinely forgot about this. I heard they were working on a reboot/sequel with The Rock a few years ago & then nothing else

There's been no news for quite a while now that I just assumed they scrapped it. But apparently, they're still working on it.



Is that still happening?


At this point, who knows. I mean, it took Dwayne like over a decade to make The Black Adam movie.

Maybe this will be his next "obsession"


After the box office performance of Black Adam, I doubt this will move forward. I think his stardom took a hit from that. Sure, other A-listers like Will Smith or Ryan Reynolds suffered flops as well, but I think the Rock was often seen as critic-proof.


I think it might still happen cause he's still be looking for his "thing". You know, an iconic thing to remembered for. Except for his wrestling career, Dwayne's films have been super forgettable.

He doesn't have any "Predator", "Rambo", "Rocky" or "Terminator" type roles in his filmography. His characters are basically just "Dwayne Johnson"

I think people underestimate how smart Arnold was. Looking at his filmography, he (mostly) chose his films very carefully & worked with some pretty great filmmakers.


Oh for sure, he made more business-savvy decisions. I like the Rock but I think he hindered his career by not branching out to more R rated territory.


Also, I don't know who told him that getting beat up in your films is weak but I hope he stops that sh*t.

No matter the role, he's invincible nowadays. Same with Vin Diesel. When they're on screen, there's no sense of danger

Look at John Wick. Already one of the most iconic & badass characters ever put on screen. And guess what, he gets his ass whooped and bleeding all the time. Cause when your titular hero is in trouble, you get to actually root for them.


Yeah, let’s see “The Rock”’s impersonation of John fucking Wayne; because, absent that impersonation, you have no movie. Also, who will play the Dennis Dun role? Dennis is the protagonist of Big Trouble, a point that the cretins who think that THIS is a good idea completely overlook.

This is prima facie a dimwitted idea. So it’s perfect for The Rock and his legions.


Dude, the only star of a Dwayne Johnson movie is Dwayne Johnson. Everyone else doesn't matter. It's usually like screw the supporting characters & villain.

That's why his most memorable films in recent years (in my opinion) were the Jumanji sequels. Cause everyone got to shine in that.
