The comic

I just got the first two issues of the BTiLC comic book (by Boom Studios) in the mail today. It's pretty good. I wasn't sure what to expect going in. But they stay pretty true to the characters, and Burton's humorous as always. Can't wait to read the rest. Highly recommended.

Call me Snake.


I could only get issue #2 from my local comic shop, I wouldn't mind getting the first issue, but I hope it hasn't suddenly become really scarce and jumped up in price. On the plus side, if it has been a such a big seller, I guess it's good that it's such a success. As for the comic itself, I enjoyed it a lot more than I expected to, I'd already heard that the artwork was cartoony (reminded me a bit of Hunt Emerson), but in the humourous context of the story, it worked quite well, some of the caricatures of Jack and Egg Shen literally made me laugh out loud. The dialogue was pretty accurate (Carpenter's influence?), I could actually hear Jack and Egg saying it. Nice touches; giving Jack a bit more backstory, also I liked what they did with the demon-thing from the end of the movie (Pete?!)If there's any bad thing I can say, it's only will it be able to sustain an ongoing series? I wonder if a series of one shots might have been better.

Either way, look forward to the rest of the story, pretty stoked for the EFNY comic, December seems a hell of a long wait. (I just hope they choose a suitably dark artist, maybe something along the lines of The Walking Dead, actually B+W might not be a bad visual style.)


love the fact they are doing a comic, have the first two issues but haven't had a moment to read them properly yet.

looks great though and it pleases me no end that JC is overseeing and helping come up with the story arcs. < clip with Eric Powell & JC

deep down there's a yearning to see a sequel on film, but this'll have to do. sure as hell better than nothing :)


I'll have to look into that EFNY comic. That sounds amazing. Is Boom doing it too?

Call me Snake.


(A month and a half later), I've found these cool articles about th eupcoming EFNY comic;

1. Interview with EFNY Comic writer Christopher Sebela;;id=54326

2. Article about some more of Boom Studios upcoming projects (EFNY, etc), including images of the variant covers;
