I'm in 9th grade
Im watching the Madonna video in my parents formal front room while I wait for Todd to pick me up and take me out drinking and other stuff. The song and it's video are mesmerizing . The story chilling and Penn is at his best. It's spring of 1986..... Flash forward, it's 2013, I'm 41, married and have 3 kids. This film still takes me back to that same vulnerable time. I could easily have been Terri. I loved my man, regardless! I'm grown now, got a 15, 7 and 3 year old. I'm sensible, eat healthy, work out and volunteer for PTA but this dang film makes me long for the days!!!!! I don't need to die, but I know that passion, lovin your man and bein naughty, hangin out at the lake with his buddies, they were all f-ups, drinking canned beer. Just wantin to go off be together have babies..... Oh the 80's. Good times. Loved the lighting in this and the real ness but the music is my favorite. The movie is timeless in my heart. I'll play it at 15, 26,31, 41... Still feel it!