what happened to the other baby?
in the beginning of the film Mama has a little baby, and it seems to have disapeared by the end of the film.
what happened?
in the beginning of the film Mama has a little baby, and it seems to have disapeared by the end of the film.
what happened?
She's still there, they just sorta forgot to put her in. She's in the sequel, though. A book about Don Bluth had this to say:
"Due to cuts, the family's baby was not seen after the boat trip. When asked how many children he has, Papa say there are "five" in his family. He corrects himself by saying "four," referring to Fievel being washed overboard. However, some viewers at early screenings thought this was also incorrect because they didn't know who the fourth member was (having forgotten the baby). An overlay of the crib was later added to a scene in America so that it appeared the baby was still there."
oohhhh ok. thanks :)
Yeah, there are songs sung in this. Tho it isn't like a regular Broadway musical where there's quite a few songsto help push the storyline forward. The only real 'narrative' song is "There Are No Cats In America". The others are more generic pop songs which could be sung anywhere.
During one of Tanya's parts of "Somewhere Out There", it looks like one of the parents can be seen through the window playing with the baby (Yasha) in silhouette.
I could be wrong, though.
"She will remember your heart when men are fairy tales in storybooks written by rabbits"