MovieChat Forums > An American Tail (1986) Discussion > Different orphans voices in the DVD vers...

Different orphans voices in the DVD version?

Ok, so I bought the dvd not long ago, and then when I was watching the CN airing of the film last sunday I noticed something I had forgotten since seeing the film in cinema way back - it seems to have got different voices for the group of orphans near the end, am I right?? Anyone else noticed this?
"Never finish what you can't start!" ;)


Wow, I didn't realize there was such an alteration in the DVD release. Thank god I only rented it. It is pretty odd.

One change that I DID like was Warren T. Rat saying, "Hey, how do ya say, "Trust me" in Chinese?" That was pure gold.


I suspected there were more changes than just the orphans bit, but I completely missed that one! Did you happen to notice how that part goes in the original? ===="Never finish what you can't start!" ;)


There was actually no line that Warren T said in the VHS version I have; it occurred in the DVD just after Digit explains that he's going to learn to calculate in Chinese. I've seen the original lots of times as a kid, but I haven't actually seen much of the DVD release. Either way, it IS odd that some parts have been modified. I wonder if Bluth or Goldman were involved with this?


Well, they did rework the whole sound into a 5.1 mix specifically for the anniversary DVD restoration. I'm guessing some of the original tracks were deemed unusable (or substandard, like the orphans gang is rather bad acting in the original) and they rediscovered bits that had originally been omitted (like that chinese remark) which could easily be re-inserted during the process.
There's been similar things noted with other 'old films being restored' cases, you know. Star Wars comes to mind, just from the top of my head. Many cases in that one where they used alternative takes/dialogue where the theatrical bit was either lost or damaged.

Anyway, if anyone noted any more differences, I'd love to hear about it! The original version was on Cartoon Network not long ago, if anyone happened to record it & could do a comparison.

"Never finish what you can't start!" ;)


<<like the orphans gang is rather bad acting in the original>>

Hmm, I dunno, I thought the orphans sounded a lot more convincing in the VHS release; in the newer version they kinda sound like goofy Saturday morning cartoons. So to be honest, I'm not really sure what's better. Either way, though, that IS one of the most depressing scenes in the movie, as those mean orphans basically appear to weigh down Fievel's faith even further. So I really don't think it matters whether they are badly acted or not; either way, that IS a scene that always makes me sad. :(


You got a point there, using kids for those roles does carry an impact which is a bit lost with the replaced voices... plus the original had more dialogue there which added to the punch if anything, not sure why they didn't keep all of it even if the voices were different.

"Never finish what you can't start!" ;)


If Universal was a person, I would kill him.

Several times.

And then once more.

I am sewious.


I've put together a video comparing the two versions (original/VHS and dubbed/DVD).

2 out of the 3 orphans have had their voices dubbed over and some dialogue has been slightly changed. I could see why they might have dubbed the voices as the original had some forced laughter that didn't sound too great. However, I still much prefer the original kids version over the newer dubbed one. The newer voices definitely lose some of the emotion as like someone said before, they sound kind of goofy.


Wow that is quite a difference, the one with the purple shirt and orange hat sounds kind of like Steven Jay Blum.


Thank god I got An American Tail on VHS today (the 1987 version no less). Unnecessary changes like this sucks.
Talking about my movie experience in here:
