doesn't hold up
Truly great animated features have appeal for almost everyone, except maybe teenagers.
There was a period of time in my teens when I was "too mature" for any stupid cartoon movie. That's for kids. Then you mature in fact, rather than just in your head, and you lighten up. I think this is true for many people.
In addition, I believe there's a concensus that there was an uninspired creative period for animated films that spanned the late 60's or so through til roughly the mid-to-late 80's. Of course, children who were raised in that period will defend some of their cherished films to the death, but for most of us, the animated family feature began to sprout to new life beggining with "Beauty and the Beast" - nominated that year for Best Picture. (To be fair, most recognize "The Little Mermaid", but I personally don't care for it.)
All of the above go to explain why it is I just recently saw "American Tail" made in 1986. The animation is pedestrian and seems like something from the 40's. The story is sacchrine sweet, with not much to offer the adult palate. Overall, I wasn't impressed. My wife's a few years younger than me, and this was one of her cherished childhood films. But nostalgia, I'm afraid, is all it has going for it.
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