Tony and Bridget

Hey guys and gals,

Who else besides me thinks that the romance between Tony and Bridget was just plain adorable? (I used to watch their first meeting scene, complete with that kiss with the glowing heart, over and over. In fact, seeing that scene at someone else's house when I was a kid is part of why I originally bought the movie on tape.)

Tony and Bridget (and Bridget, in general) just don't get enough recognition. Even though their relationship is only an ancillary element of the movie (and why aren't *they* flying to the Statue of Liberty with the others at the end?), it's still adorable.

In fact, Tony and Bridget have *two* cameos in Fievel Goes West. First, when that one cat peeks through the hole in the house in the attack at the beginning, the two are shown escaping, with what is apparently their kid in tow. Also, they are seen moving into their new house in Green River later in the film (right after the scene with the newlywed mice).

In the two direct-to-video sequels, Bridget is nowhere to be found, and Tony falls in love with other characters as if she never existed. (Of course, those sequels are terrible anyway, so what does it matter?)

Bridget, and her romance with Tony, are sorely overlooked, in both the film and in general. At least some of the people here seem to pay attention to it.

Any thoughts on this?



Tony and Bridget's unrequited romance was actually what I liked most about the first film. In fact, there were a number of interesting characters in the first film that were simply erased. (Dipped?)
It's one of the big reasons why I'm not a big fan of sequels in general. Switching gears suddenly may make the writing easier, but it sure confuses and alienates the audience.


Oh man, I never noticed Tony and Bridget in "Fieval Goes West"!

I'll have to look for them the next time I watch the movie!




"She will remember your heart when men are fairy tales in storybooks written by rabbits"



I totally agree with you.

I'm so sick of these direct-to-video sequels for the most part.. they take awesome movies and just twist them to make it work for them. It seems like the person doesn't even have to know a lick about the original movie to write a sequel. I think part of it was because they waited so long to bring out those sequels... I know there are a lot of kids who think Tony is from the 3rd movie O_o

But I can tell you one thing if it were me writing them I defiantly wouldn't of wrote the Tony/Bridget romance out.

At least Don Bluth had nothing to do with those :)


I love the first two, but the other two, I thought were terrible!


Yeah I always loved Tony and Bridget, they were a great couple, Bridget was nice and sweet and Tony was the cool kid who melted away for her, it was cute. I always wondered myself why Tony and Bridget never showed up at the end, I figure that scence was mainly ment 2 focus on Fievel, but they could have shown Tony and Bridget on the side. Then again I never really thought that Fievel and Tony really hung out once Fievel found his family, Tiger on the other hand was more of a big kid. I don't think Fievel, his family and Tiger met Henri again the same day they were all reunited.


I am a Tony/Bridget shipper through and through; in fact I had put them on my "Offical couples I support" list
*nya* *purr*


Yeah they great characters who should have been in it more.

there may be a boogie man or boogie men in the house:Homer Simpson.


I know there hasn't been a post here recently so I don't know if anyone will see this, but in case they do, here's my two cents.

I think the main reason why Tony and Bridget were never brought back in any of the sequels, well Bridget anyway, is because they're minor characters. While cute, the relationship between Tony and Bridget seemed like filler to me. Y'know, so there's more going on while Fievel looks for his family and to keep it from being boring. As for the whole Tony falling in love with other girls, I'm assuming there's a time lapse between the first and third American Tail movies, so it's quite possibly he and Bridget drifted apart. It happens all the time in real life so why not a cartoon? Plus, Tony always seemed childish to me. The kind of guy that would always chase after a pretty skirt, so him "falling in love" could just be temporary until the next pretty mouse-girl came along. And then Bridget, his mature counter-part, is an activist for mice so it wouldn't be a surprise if her fight for the cause would get in the way of a real relationship. As for the mouse couple in the sequel that look like Tony and Bridget, my guess is it's not really them. The animators probably didn't intentionally make the couple Tony and Bridget, but if that's what shippers want to believe, they won't stop them.

It's funny, I've actually come across more Tony and Tanya shippers than I have Tony and Bridget shippers. What's up with that? I've never seen any sequels past Fievel Goes West, but as far as I know, there was never a relationship.

The internet is my only escape to reality in Arcata.


It WAS them. They Tony and Bridget were major supporting characters in the first film but played no role in the second. Their cameo appearances were there to give us closure, I guess you would say. It shows what became of them after the first film. That's why it focused on their escape from the cats in more detail than the other mice, and why it showed them moving into their new home. It's so we know they escaped from the cats safely and made it to a new home safely.

And yes, even though the 3rd and 4th film were made AFTER the 2nd, they take place BEFORE it in the timeline.

As for Tony and Tanya, that's just a fan couple since the audience is more familiar with Tanya than Bridget due to the sequels.
