Somewhere Out There, by far. It also brings tears to my eyes now, but for a more personal reason. This movie came out when I was 4 and was one of my favorites. The song always made me think of separated love, not necessarily lovers but people who love each other and aren't together. In fact, I always used to sing it when I was waiting for my husband and me to be able to adopt a child. For me, the thought that my child was somewhere out there, under the same moon as me and also wishing that we'd find one another kept me going for those long years before we found our girl and finalized her adoption. The song has been played to her at bedtime every night over the last year and a half since she became ours, and she recognized it immediately as "her" song the first time we watched the movie. When I hear the song I think of all the loss, sadness, and fear that we faced for nearly a decade, and how we kept trying even though it hurt and was hard. My dreams came true and we all found each other, just like Fieval and his family. The song reminds me of how grateful I am.