Propaganda movie?

Stalin was traitor to the communist movement, but this is no reason to portray the russians/communists as cats in this movie.All cats look like hitler and the nazis were also portrayed as cats in 'Maus' by art spiegelman.If you got kids, buy them that comic instead of this movie.I didnt like this movie as a kid, but i really liked the 'Maus' comic when i read it a few years later


...Was there a post in there somewhere?

Supermodels...spoiled stupid little stick figures mit poofy lips who sink only about zemselves.


Did you even pay attention to the opening of this film? The story was set in the late 1800's--when Russia was under imperial rule. There were no Communists in Russia back then; as for Stalin, he was a child at the time.

The film isn't about the Russian Revolution, anyway. It's about anti-Semitism in Russia when it was at its most rampant. The only movie Bluth has ever made about the actual Communist revolt is Anastasia (though it's not nearly as good as this film).

"What I don't understand is how we're going to stay alive this winter."


The cats in this movie are not communists. They simply represent the hardships of life and the obstacles that many immigrants faced when they arrived in America, including the same gangs and thugs that followed them from the Old Country. These gangs took a stranglehold of poor European immigrant neighborhoods in many American cities.

But I find it strange that you would be so upset by communists being portrayed by evil cats in a cartoon unless you are a communist yourself.


The irony:

In history of men, cats were the good guys because they protected our wheath and corn against vermin like mice and rats.

Feivel and his fanily are the true parasites.

Ich bin kein ausgeklügelt Buch, ich bin ein Mensch mit seinem Widerspruch.
Conrad Ferdinand Meyer


Who hasn't been a traitor to the Communist movement? Or, were they traitors at all? Communism is, by definition and the teachings of Karl Marx, meant to use violence and political strangling to achieve a classless state. Or, in another way, REQUIRES it.

"The classes and the races too weak to master the new conditions of life must give way.... They must perish in the revolutionary holocaust" - Karl Marx.

The way to get rid of class, the easy way, at least in the short term, is just to obliterate everyone in some minority class, be it the utterly impoverished beggar, or the corporate lord who reigns above everyone.

Socialism is an economic system that strives for honesty, and equality. Communism is a violent interpretation of a means to get there. But, you can't build equality and honesty on murder, which all Communist nations have been founded, and, thus, the reason "Communism has never worked." I'm still holding out for a fine Socialist state, we got close in Europe, but then the powers and elites had to "import" minorities from Asia, who serve as an impoverished class, and, therefore, countries like Norway who were "this" close are losing it in a flash. Sad.

